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North Carolina

Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in North Carolina. If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added, please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page. We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.

24-7 Prayer Room
24-7 Prayer Room - Charlotte, NC

Category: Prayer House
Director: Lisa Koons

512 e.15th St
Charlotte, NC 28206

24-7 serves as a catalyst for Christ-centered movements of prayer, mission, & justice.
Were a fueling station for the citys spiritually hungry & help equip denominations, churches, ministry leaders, & ordinary Janes & Joes in prayer & spiritual formation practices that consistently lead to encountering Gods heart, bearing His likeness, & carrying out His Lifes work in the context of their own unique callings. We also serve the citys victimized & poor while apprenticing individuals & organizations in lifestyles integrating social justice among the most marginalized & need
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Appalacian House of Prayer
Appalacian House of Prayer - Boone, NC

Category: Prayer House
Phone: 828/ 265-2000

151 Howard St.
Suite 1
Boone, NC 28607

About Us
Appalachian House of Prayer is comprised of people who hear the Fathers cry for a praying people. ?God needs praying people?! Our nation is in moral decline and its pulling our families & congregations down with it. If ever their were a need for the Church to be awakened it?s now. Jesus is coming back for a spotless bride who is in expectation of His return. She will have labored in prayer for the reward that He is worthy of. Prayer is like the plow that breaks up the fallow ground of our society allowing the seed of Gods Word to take root in the heart?s of it?s people.
We are praying that the Father?s love will manifest in the heart of the Church that She may endure the judgement that comes upon Her (1 Peter 4:17). The Father?s love will heal Her & set Her free from the blindness of religion that She may lead those held captive by sin to the one who died for all mankind. Now that is the power of a praying Church.
If you feel His heart?come let us seek the Lord together while He may be found and call upon Him while He is near (Isaiah 55:6)
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Concord House of Prayer
Concord House of Prayer - Concord, NC

Category: Prayer House
Director: Bruce Burchfield
Phone: (704) 622-6484

62 Union Street South
Concord, NC 28025

IHOP Concord opened its doors on November 16th 2007 to be a 24/7 house of prayer for the church in Concord. We are committed to helping rebuild the broken tabernacle of David, Amos 9:11, which is night and day worship and prayer. It is in this intimate place with the Lord that we will find our dream of God and dream in God for ourselves and our city. We are located in Concords historical town hall of 1885 at 62 Union Street South. We invite you to join us in His Presence.

To awaken the Bride of Christ in our city to the goodness, love and reality of Jesus through day and night worship and intercession and a life of devotion to Him.

We believe the Holy Spirit is orchestrating this worldwide movement as a fulfillment of the Fathers desire that His House would be called a House of Prayer and that it would be filled with Joy (Isaiah 56:7). This movement will usher in the end time global harvest and reach a crescendo before the Lord returns; as the bowls of intercession become full in Heaven (Rev. 5:8).

The House of Prayer in Concord is voluntarily "staffed" by the Church in Concord and is open for the whole city and region to come in and experience the presence of God.

We are looking for an army of voluntary lovers (Ps 110) of God who will help rebuild the broken tabernacle of David (Amos 9:11) in Concord
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Durham Prayer Furnace

Durham Prayer Furnace - Durham, NC
Category: Furnace Email:
Phone: 9194716075

Durham, NC 27712

There is a movement of intercession and worship sweeping across this nation and Durham, NC is catching the wave! If you have a passion for God and a passion for prayer, then you are invited to attend an interest meeting happening on Saturday June 27, 2015 at Starbucks on Guess Rd. There will be a brief moment of prayer, but this will mainly be a time of information and any questions or concerns you may have. A prayer furnace is a place where believers of all different denominations can come together on a consistent basis and intercede on behalf of our city and nation. I am so stoked for what God is doing and will do in this city. Come and be apart of watching the presence and power of God flip our city and nation upside down for His glory through the prayers of the righteous! Cant wait to see you there!
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East Carolina University - Early Morning Prayer

East Carolina University - Early Morning Prayer - Greenville, NC
Category: Luke18Project Email:
Greenville, NC
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House of Prayer for Every Nation

House of Prayer for Every Nation - Cary, NC
Category: Prayer House Director: Orlando Jesalva
Phone: (919) 371-8459
Cary, NC 27519
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IHOP Alamance County
IHOP Alamance County - Haw River, NC

Category: Prayer House

1561 Bakatsias Ln
Haw River, NC 27258

Vision: To establish a 24/7 House of Prayer in Alamance County and beyond...a dwelling place for God: encountering Jesus Christ through lifestyles in the Word, worship and fasting, shifting the spiritual climate of the region through corporate intercessory worship and lifestyles of prayer, transforming regional culture, reviving the church and awakening the community by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit through lifestyles of declaration (word) and demonstration (power) of the Kingdom of God, and raising up and equipping forerunners who are preparing the way for Jesus? second coming through lifestyles of wholehearted devotion
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IHOP-Carolina - Albemarle, NC
Category: Prayer House Director: Charles Riggs
Phone: 704-905-7644
Albemarle, NC 28001
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Melchizedek House of Prayer
Melchizedek House of Prayer - Skyland, NC

Category: Prayer House
Director: Carroll Moffitt II

PO Box 1482
Skyland, NC 28776

We are longing to see 24/7 prayer and worship raised up in Asheville and the surrounding region in the spirit of the tabernacle of David as prophesied in Amos 9:11-15 and to provide a place for the Body of Christ in our region to encounter Jesus in the place of worship and prayer
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The Fig Tree
The Fig Tree - Waynesville, NC

Category: Prayer House
Director: John and Debbie Cracchiolo
Phone: (561) 470-3565

3259 Asheville Road
Waynesville, NC 28786

God placed on our hearts to provide a place away from the distractions of life, for those who desire a place to sit in His presence, for those who long to pray for our community and our nation, and for those who love to worship Jesus.
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Wilmington Prayer Furnace
Wilmington Prayer Furnace - Wilmington, NC

Category: Furnace
Phone: (910) 777-7537

101 N Kerr Ave
Wilmington, NC 28405

The Wilmington Prayer Furnace is a ministry of continual prayer and worship driven by a relational community seeking to gather and contend for the habitation of God. We exist to equip people into the fullness of their gifting and calling while contending for spiritual breakthrough in our city. We exist to pursue a lifestyle of wholehearted devotion, prayer and fasting while leading lives that reflect the nature and character of God and release the Kingdom of God in the earth.

Prayer Room
The purpose of the prayer room is to usher people into a lifestyle of prayer and worship, providing an atmosphere for personal cultivation and relationship with the Lord. Through the beholding of his face this individual cultivation establishes the body as a corporate call of continual prayer. The open door invitation serves to gather the city to this calling, to come as they are before the Lord and enter into His presence.

Daily Sets
The Prayer Room will function around a musical model of two-hour sets. The teams vary in size from one person on an instrument to full worship teams. There are three types of sets: devotional, worship with the word, and intercession.

Devotional: Worship set for personal reflection and study. It is a time for seeking his face, through the cultivating of his word by the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
Worship with the Word: Worship set focused around a specific passage of scripture, which the singers expound on throughout the set.
Intercession: This two-hour set is based around a model using both prayer and music; generally, there is a specific focus. During this time there is a prayer facilitator working in coordination with the music team, leading the room from a mic, different people may come up to the mic and pray from the mic during the times. We will lead rest of the room to engage with the prayer.
Weekly Meetings
Tuesday night Encounter God Service (EGS) includes corporate worship, impartation, teaching and ministry. This meeting will be an introduction to the prayer furnace format.
Friday night worship (Fire On the Altar) is led by young leaders with a fiery vision for revival in their city and awakening on their campuses. This night has a primary focus on college age and young adults but all are welcome to join.
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