Edit Listing User Edit HoP If this is your listing, you will need a password to edit these changes. Please contact us for your password. HoP Name: Category: Prayer House Boiler Room Furnace Luke18Project Bound4Life Healing Room Soaking Center Burn247 JHOP Prayer Network Other Address: City: State: AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY Zip: Country: Graphic: Email: Website: Phone: Director: Description:Vision: To establish a 24/7 House of Prayer in Alamance County and beyond...a dwelling place for God: encountering Jesus Christ through lifestyles in the Word, worship and fasting, shifting the spiritual climate of the region through corporate intercessory worship and lifestyles of prayer, transforming regional culture, reviving the church and awakening the community by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit through lifestyles of declaration (word) and demonstration (power) of the Kingdom of God, and raising up and equipping forerunners who are preparing the way for Jesus? second coming through lifestyles of wholehearted devotion Password:You must enter the password to edit this entry. To obtain the password for this listing, please contact us at . Delete This Listing Password: You must enter the password for this HoP to delete this entry. To obtain the password for this listing, contact us at .