Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Colorado.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.

24-7 Tent
- Fort Collins, CO
Fort Collins, CO
We pray to see worship and prayer going 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until Jesus returns. We want to see communities of 24-7 worship and prayer, where people are filled with humble hearts and want to bring joy to the heart of God. We know that God doesn?t live in buildings anymore, He?s chosen to live in His people (Eph. 2:19-22), and so we are gathering people together who desire to know God?s heart. Amos 9:11, Acts 15:16
The idea came from King David. He brought the Ark back to Jerusalem eventually and he put it in a "TENT". Biblical scholars believe that the tent was only about ten feet by fifteen feet. It was not an extravagant building, only a plain tent that housed extravagant worship.
Earlier, when Moses put the Ark in the Tabernacle, there was a thick curtain separating the people from God?s presence, but David?s tent had no curtain. The Bible also indicates that there was worship going on in the tent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for over 30 years!
The purpose of the 24-7 Tent is simply to gather people to minister to God. We want worship and prayer to the Lord to be the focus. Play an instrument, sing, shout, put on a CD and dance or reflect and listen. The 24-7 Tent is an invitation to be with Jesus - that our constant attention and intimate heartfelt worship would be to Him

Activation Ministries International
- Golden, CO
166 S Lookout Mountain Rd
Golden, CO 80401
Holy Habitation ? 24/7 on site prayer ? it is the desire of this ministry to have ?on site? 24/7 prayer. This is a work in progress. We are working diligently to fill every hour of the day and night for the entire year. The bible says that, when we draw near to HIM, HE does draw near to us. As we minister to the heart of our Heavenly Father, HIS glorious presence is manifested in our midst. Like any parent, our Abba Father loves having a close relationship with HIS children. During this time, we not only bless the heart of the Father, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the precious Holy Spirit, but also anyone else who comes in needing prayer, salvation, etc.
Every prayer host prays daily for prayer requests that are sent in during the month from individuals who have a desire for us to come into agreement with them for specific needs they may have. These requests are prayed for everyday for the entire month

Arapahoe House of Prayer-AHOP
- Aurora, CO
Email: [email protected]
1445 Moline St.
Aurora, CO 80010
The Lord has called us to be a community of believers committed to God, each other, and to establishing a house of prayer in Arapahoe County. A continual solemn assembly gathering corporately to fast and pray in the spirit of the Living God.
At the Arapahoe House of Prayer of Arapahoe County in Colorado, we are committed to prayer, fasting, the Great Commission, and to living as forerunners, preparing for the unique dynamics of the end times. The work of our ministry includes equipping and sending out prayer warriors and evangelists who work to see revival within the Church and a harvest among those searching for God. We take seriously the mandate to train believers to love Jesus and others wholeheartedly as together we go forth to preach the Word, heal the sick, serve the poor, plant houses of prayer, and proclaim the return of Jesus across the earth.
Our hearts desire is to have night-and-day prayer with worship. And we believe this will be made possible in the near future.
Our vision is to prepare thousands of prayer warriors who, like John the Baptist, live a lifestyle of discipline and devotion to God. As forerunner messengers, their lives and voices cry out, "Prepare the way of the Lord!" We invite you to visit our events page for prayer service times at Join with us as we set our hearts to love God, worship Him alone, and dedicate our lives to serving Him without reservation; to demonstrate our love for others by encouraging them to grow in intimacy with the Living God.
The Arapahoe House of Prayer of Arapahoe County in Colorado is a ministry of The word & Prayer Ministries that is committed to praying for the release of the fullness of Gods power and purpose, as we actively win the lost, heal the sick, make disciples, and impact the nations with the truth of the gospel. Our vision is to work in relationship with the larger Body of Christ to serve the Great Commission, as we seek to fulfill our ministrie

Colorado Unified
- Denver, CO
Director: Savannah Adams
Email: [email protected]
Denver, CO
Colorado Unified began with people just like you! Hungry to find a community of like-minded, Jesus loving people; we?ve discovered over the years that God is up to something beautiful in Colorado with His kids. Different expressions of worship, prayer gatherings and kingdom communities have been budding, and we are dedicated to making them known!
Prayerfully, you will find this website to be a resource full of helpful information to get you connected in real-time to local ministries and events!
Every quarter, Colorado Unified rallies together these praying and worship communities to minister to the Lord and His people in prayer and worship during a full 24-hour period. Modeled after Revelation chapter 4, we join night and day with heaven to sing, stand, proclaim His praises and intercede before the Lord as a community.
?So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall,
and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land??
Ezekiel 22:3
Denver House of Prayer
- Denver, CO
Phone: (720) 295-8496
1801 S Logan St
Denver, CO 80210
Denver House of Prayer desires to see the manifest presence of God in our services. We are a vibrant Christian church committed to impact the community of Denver for Jesus Christ our Lord. We don?t believe in religious services just to ?feel better,? but desire to experience the power of God by creating an atmosphere for the Spiritual-gifts to move freely.

House of Prayer Englewood
- Englewood, CO
Email: [email protected]
Englewood, CO
About Us
HOPE exists with the prayer of Jesus as our vision: ?Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.? One thing we know about heaven is that it is a place of constant intercession and praise. This aspect heaven?s culture, 24/7 prayer and worship, is something we desire to reproduce in our city. Thus, our mission and initiatives align simply with this vision:
Our desire and charge is to mobilize God?s people in Englewood towards continuous prayer and worship.
We will accomplish this through the following initiatives:
Call God?s people to participate in a prayer and worship movement.
Create spaces for God?s people to pray and worship both individually and corporately.
Equip God?s people to pray with power and worship with joy.
For more information about HOPE feel free to email us at [email protected]

University of Colorado - Boulder - Boulder House of Prayer
- Boulder, CO
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (303)522-0385
Boulder, CO
The vision of the Boulder House of Prayer is to engage in God?s Heart for the city of Boulder through prayer, worship, and service to the community.
The Boulder House of Prayer is a community of people who are committed to praying for God?s will to be done in Boulder even as we work to reach the lost, heal the broken, help the poor, make disciples, and impact the seven spheres of society (family, religion, education, media, celebration, economy, and government). We see ourselves as a servant organization and desire to work with the larger Body of Christ to serve the Great Commission as we follow His Great Gommand to love God and love others.
As the Boulder House of Prayer, our primary goal is to partner with God in creating and sustaining an environment of continuous prayer and worship. We believe that God responds when His people pray, so we believe that we are most productive when we are in the prayer room. We also recognize that God likes to use people of prayer to answer prayers and that He has called us to be in the world (though not ?of? it), so we allow Him to take us from the prayer room into areas of service to our community. It is because He wants people of prayer to be involved in society that BHOP partners with others in the Body of Christ to reach out the community in ways that deliberately engage in the seven spheres of society. Practically, we do this by praying for issues and for influential people in society, by training and equipping people to be effective in prayer even as they engage in society, and by engaging in society ourselves. We believe that God has specific plans, passions, and purposes for individuals, so we attempt to encourage people to pray, to worship, and to serve Christ wherever they are and wherever their passions are.
The 20/20 Vision
20/20 Leadership at the Boulder House of Prayer is expected to demonstrate the vision of the House through their actions. Believing in the power of prayer, this core leadership team engages in prayer for the community with at least 20 hours of their time. Seeking to partner with God in answering prayer, leadership engages in service to the community with another 20 hours of their time. Leaders will choose an area of particular focus of service within the community that reflects their talents and passions and that deliberately impacts at least one of the seven spheres of society and that builds the House of Prayer. In a lifestyle of cooperation and partnership, leaders will develop relationships with a team of partners with at least two hours of their week