Edit Listing User Edit HoP If this is your listing, you will need a password to edit these changes. Please contact us for your password. HoP Name: Category: Prayer House Boiler Room Furnace Luke18Project Bound4Life Healing Room Soaking Center Burn247 JHOP Prayer Network Other Address: City: State: AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY Zip: Country: Graphic: Email: Website: Phone: Director: Description:We LOVE helping people accomplish the dreams that God puts on their hearts! We help establish spiritual foundation, organizational structure, relational connections, and resources for people! In other words, Worship and the Word Movement (WWM) is a missionary/movement incubator. WWM is a 501(c)3 organization, based in beautiful Colorado, and was founded in 2006 by Dave and Tara Powers. Here are some examples of the mischief that we do Password:You must enter the password to edit this entry. To obtain the password for this listing, please contact us at . Delete This Listing Password: You must enter the password for this HoP to delete this entry. To obtain the password for this listing, contact us at .