Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in International.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.
Email: [email protected]

Australian House of Prayer For All Nations
- Adelaide, Australia
Director: Jenny Hagger
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61883701256
54 Strathalbyn Road
Aldgate Adelaide, Australia
The Australian House of Prayer for All Nations Adelaide, was founded in 1990 in Adelaide by Ps Jenny Hagger as a worship, prayer, research and networking centre that trains and equips intercessors throughout Australia to go out on strategic prayer assignments locally, nationally and internationally. Teams are also regularly involved in key reconciliation initiatives.
Revival SA city-wide prayer meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month in Adelaide and are attended by over 150 intercessors from many different congregations and all are welcome.
The Lighthouse Prayer Tower premises were purchased in the CBD of Adelaide in 2008, where teams now pray daily into the Seven Mountains of Society.
in 2011 AHOPFAN purchased a motel on Kangaroo island in SA, to be their third house of prayer, as well as being a Christian Conference and Retreat Centre.
Mission World Aid operates as the international mercy ministry of AHOPFAN and since 1992 has sent 133 shipping containers of aid to over 25 nations.
Ps Jenny Hagger has a heart for unity in the Body of Christ and carries a prophetic/apostolic breakthrough anointing. Jenny is passionate to encourage others to come into the freedom of Davidic worship and intimacy with the Lord. Her desire is to see the establishment of houses of prayer throughout Australia and into the nations of the world.
Jenny was instrumental in the setting up of a ten year exhibition in the State Library displaying South Australias Christian Heritage.
Weekly prayer meetings began inside Parliament House in South Australia in 2003 under her leadership and she is the SA Regional Coordinator for the Parliamentary Prayer Network.
Recently Jenny was asked to be the Regional Coordinator for the South Pacific for Transform Worlds Celebration Challenge which includes networking with houses of prayer in each region.
Jenny is co-pastor with her husband Brian of Zion Hill Christian Community, which they began in 2006.
In 2008 she was made a Member of the Order of Australia for her involvement in the prayer movement in Australia, and for the work of Mission World Aid.
Jenny and Brian have three sons and five grandchildren.

- Mt Eliza, Australia
Director: David Orton
Mt Eliza, Australia
A House of Prayer for all Nations
A place devoted to the Lord in ministry to Him and in praying for revival across Australia and the nations of the world.
A place which will sow into the growing worldwide prayer movement.
A place of teaching and renewal.
A place where volunteer intercessors, worshippers, and musicians offer a perpetual sacrifice to the Lord, eventually on a 24/7 basis.
A Place of Intense Desire for God
A place for those with a heart and intense desire for God.
A place that will provide life-changing encounters with the Holy Spirit as well as solid revelatory truths from the Word of God.
A place where the Holy Spirit will be given full liberty to move as He desires, whether in classes, tutorials, or elsewhere.
A place where participants will be encouraged to welcome the Holy Spirit and to allow Him to have His way in their lives.
A place where the study of the scriptures, and extended times of prayer and worship will advance a growing relationship with God.
A Place of Prophetic Activation
A place devoted to the message of the Third Day Church (Hos 6:1-3):
A message of repentance, restoration, and revival.
A message of hope, calling the people of God to return to intimacy, to the heart of the Father and of the Bridegroom.
A message speaking to the strongholds that currently withhold revival and spiritual awakening.
A place giving itself to a prophetic word for the spiritual release of the Australian church and beyond.
A place where through its teaching, intercessory prayer, and worship will create an environment where individuals can be released into the prophetic anointing.
A place which will be devoted to prophetically activating students as men and women of the Spirit, releasing them into their own unique gifts and callings.
A Place of Refreshing and Refocussing
A place where, through its various schools and retreats, and through its relaxed ambience would become a place of refuge and healing for those who are weary or wounded from their church or marketplace involvement.
A place of refreshing, refocussing, and as the Holy Spirit leads, recommissioning
Mount Victoria House of Prayer
- Mount Victoria, NSW, Australia, Australia
Director: Barbara Gordon
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61408167963
PO Box 100
Mount Victoria Mount Victoria, NSW, Australia, Australia 2786
On the top of the Blue Mountains is the gateway to the west of New South Wales, only two hours west of Sydney, Australias largest city of over 5 million people, and overlooking the fertile Central West towns and villages. Our mission is to pray for individuals, communities, the state and the nation as well as all nations. Interdenominational, not affiliated to any particular church, attended by members of a range of churches and unchurched folk. We meet regularly and pray in groups and privately for individuals as their needs and desires require, with acoustic music, worship and prayer. CEO is Barbara Gordon +61-2-4787 5085,
Secretary Tom Lovett +61-2-408 167 963
- Charmhaven, Australia
Director: Nikki Nahra
Email: [email protected]
Charmhaven, Australia
I just arrived on Aussie soil Oct 31, 2014, to birth this new house of prayer on the Central Coast! I plan to serve and be knit into family at HopeUC in Charmhaven, where Mark and Darlene Zschech pastor. Beyond that, Im just pioneering it now, so connections are welcome! I will hope to have my aussie cell soon. In the meantime, email me with "MYHOP" in the subject li

Mercy House of Prayer
- Wien, Austria
Director: Vicki Harris, Brenda Cantrell
Email: [email protected]
Boltzmanngasse 9
1090 Wien, Austria
The entrance is a large brown door across from the U.S. Embassy at Boltzmanngasse 9
And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!
(Isaiah 30:18 AMP
Base mission?ria casa de ora??o Ananindeua-Pa
Base mission?ria casa de ora??o Ananindeua-Pa
- Ananindeua, Brazil
Director: Ana Grayce Alencar Moreira e Carlos Alberto Moreir
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 91 999822921
Estrada da Provid?ncia Cidade Nova 8 we 26
Coqueiro Ananindeua, Brazil 67000000

Base Missionaria Casa de Oracio DF
- Brasilia, Brazil
Director: Marcelo Ferreira de Sousa
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 61991125078
SHPS 207 cj. B lote 01
Brasilia, Brazil 72238164
A Casa de Oracio IHOP-DF tem como visio promover adoracio e intercessio noite e dia, como no exemplo Biblico da Tenda de Davi, a Deus, ao Filho e ao Espirito Santo, com vistas de preparar o caminho para a vinda do Senhor. Treinar, capacitar e enviar Missionirios Adoradores Intercessores para inflamar o mundo com o evangelho verdadeiro e transformador, que trabalhem para ver reavivamento dentro da Igreja e uma colheita entre todos aqueles que precisam de Deus. Temos como missio treinar os discipulos de Jesus a ama-lo de coracio e amar vidas, e assim, sair mundo a fora a pregar a palavra, curar os doentes e servir aos necessitados ato o retorno de Jesus. Hoje fazemos trabalhos sociais em Ceilindia DF, lideramos a Sala de Oracio em Brasilia na Capelania Evangelica da PMDF que funciona de segunda a sexta. E estamos implantando a Escola Roar para missionarios em sistema internato para treinamento e liberacio de Adoradores, Intercessores e Mensageiros Profeticos com duracio de 4 meses.

IHOP Brazil
- Caratinga, Brazil
Phone: (55) 33-3321-9995
Olegrio Maciel 306
Caratinga, Brazil
IHOP-Caratinga - International House of Prayer in Caratinga, has as its vision to dwell in continuous worship and intercession of the House of Prayer built by God, now keeping the flame lit in prayer and worship as in the Biblical example of the Tent of David until the day of restoration of all things. According to the mind of Christ, train, equip and send missionaries to operate in intercessory worship precursor spirit that God has bestowed in recent days to raise prayer rooms 24 hours in Brazil and worldwide, equipping the Bride of Christ to be wise not lack oil in your lamp, giving all authority and freedom to the Holy Spirit to direct, advise and build his Church, but without denominational barriers with a vision of the Kingdom, according to the prayer of Jesus, Our Father which art in heaven, come to us Thy kingdom, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. "
The Holy Spirit has orchestrated an international move of intercession and worship. Harps and cups are being raised to God before the throne of the Father, and in view of the apostle John (Revelation 5:8).
Them joyful in My house of prayer ... My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples (Isaiah 56:7) We believe in a joyful prayer and worship a living that comes from Gods throne.
Christ is the High Priest of the true tabernacle which the Lord pitched, not man. (Hebrews 8:2). He is also the very tabernacle which the Lord rose from the ruins (resurrection - Acts 15:16) as the body of Christ on earth today serves as a living temple, the temple of the eternal God, of which we are living stones in this spiritual house (1 Peter 2:5) where we offer spiritual sacrifices directed to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Prayer and worship 24 hours 7 days a week, are at the heart of our calling as this comes straight from the heart of God for this time. Prayer and worship are also proven and approved as fuel revivals throughout history. We believe that there will be different in recent days.
We meet the target of prayer warriors and worshipers whether ministerial or flag names to call this nation to repentance first and then the search for intimacy with God which He separated for the last days. We pray for healing and restoration for Brazil and for the nations.
Houses of Prayer have multiplied around the world. God is releasing freedom in worship, and training missionaries to reach the nations. It is the plan of Fathers heart for this time in prayer together with social work (acts of justice), restoration of lives and bring transformation in society around. God commands the blessing on the drive when there is a people who pray and fast together (Psalm 133). Through faith, from prayer and communion with God, mountains are moved, waste places are restored and lives are transported from darkness to light.
God has brought missionaries from around the world to stand together an altar of worship in Brazil that can fill the cups of gold in heaven so that God continues to pour from the top justice in the form of healing, restoration, signs and wonders.
Pastors Peter and Anya Braconnot, are the directors of the IHOP-Caratinga.
"We believe that God will still raise a lot of prayer house in Brazil and worldwide. This is part of preparation for the return of the Lord in these last hours."

- Recife, Brazil
Director: Joshue Gomes
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +55 81 9882-6757
Rua Joao Ivo Da Silva, 377 - Madalena
Recife, Brazil 50720-100
O Senhor nos chamou para o estabelecimento de uma sala de ora??o na cidade de Recife/PE. Nosso alvo ? instituir a sala no centro da cidade, onde todas as pessoas, pedestres, universit?rios e comerciantes ter?o acesso ? intercess?o, ora??o coletiva, regados pela adora??o.
Temos tamb?m como consequ?ncia e express?o de adora??o os os atos de justi?a, que junto com a intercess?o, s?o declarados e agimos para mudar a realidade das cidades onde as salas s?o institu?das.
Vinhemos para servir a nossa na??o por um decreto do Eterno Pai. E esse sim ? o nosso prazer.
Nosso sonho ? que toda igreja tenha seus turnos e escalas de intercess?o e ora??es focadas na contempla??o da beleza de Jesus/Yeshua.
" E tamb?m eu os levarei ao meu santo monte e os alegrarei na minha Casa de Ora??o; os seus holocaustos e os seus sacrif?cios ser?o aceitos no meu altar, pois minha casa ser? chamada casa de ora??o para os povos Isa. 5
Sala de Oracio Betinia
Sala de Oracio Betinia
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Director: Icaro Santos / Daniele Bravo
Email: [email protected]
Av Jose Manna Junior 400 - Trindade
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 24743-100
HoP Cambodia
, Cambodia
Primary Mission
The primary mission and first step is to establish the House of Prayer. We believe that through worship, God?s presence will invade and permeate every area of society, bringing justice for His elect (Luke 18:8). Endeavor to function in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David with weekly prayer meetings and live music, singing and intercessory prayer.
Children Who Contend For God
Worship music will be the medium through which God will govern the earth. Those who worship God in spirit and in truth will be able to sustain a life in God as the end-time judgments become manifest in the world. Singing God?s Word is a way to sustain a life in Him. God has willed that singing be what causes our hearts to be overwhelmed with God?s love and emotions and causes us to go deeper in the Word of God, thus fulfilling Proverbs 2. Minister to the children through song and teach them to sing as the primary means by which they commune with their Lord (Col 3:16-17 and Eph 5:17-20).
Prayer should not consist of a weekly meeting that lasts for an hour, during which we ask the Lord to bless what we?re doing. Prayer should be a continual and ever-present way of life to cry out for a breaking in of God?s divine presence and asking Him to transform the city, region and country where we live. Prayer and worship will never cease to rise before the throne of God as those who were once orphans but now have a new found heavenly Father become musicians and intercessors who minister to God and give Him the glory due His name. It will take that level of intercession and prayer to dispel the darkness that has permeated these dark regions for thousands of years

- Copiapo, Chile
Copiapo, Chile
Casa de Oración - Pasión por Jesús, con Base Misionera en la ciudad de Copiapó Chile, nace ante la gran necesidad de tener una profunda búsqueda por enamorarse de Dios, de vivir apasionado por Jesús, de abrazar una vida de oración, ayuno y compasión por las naciones. Casa de Oración, es una comunidad cristiana que proporciona a cada creyente un espacio para pasar tiempos con Dios, escuchar su voz, experimentar su amor y libertad, un lugar de encuentros con el Amado, de contemplar y meditar en la belleza de Jesús. Afirmamos que Él, es el deseado de las naciones, el incomparable, Incontenible y Majestuoso Dios, la Tierra anhela ver la manifestación de su Gloria, por lo cual, como iglesia estamos comprometidos con dar a conocer a las naciones, el inmenso amor de Dios, a través de obras de justicias. ?Porque no podemos callar lo que hemos visto y oído?. (Hechos 4:20). Como base Misionera entrenamos e impulsamos a cada discípulo de Cristo, por medio de las escrituras y mediante el poder del Espíritu Santo, en abrazar una vida de oración y evangelismo profético, ejecutando en el día a día, obras de justicias. (Apocalipsis 19:7-8). Hoy más que nunca se puede sentir los pasos de nuestro Amado Jesús, en en su regreso por su iglesia, su regreso es inminente, el recuentro con su amada Iglesia esta pronto a suceder. Y es así como Dios esta trayendo una fresca revelación de un Dios Padre y un Dios Novio, moviendo a su amada iglesia a un nivel de conocimiento más profundo de Dios.Dios esta levantando una generación fascinada por la belleza de Jesús, que ha entendido que su primera razón de vivir y su deleite es pasar tiempos con Dios, de vivir maravillado de Aquel que nos amó como nadie en este mundo.
Jesús la Hermosura y Fragancia eterna. El Único que hace grandes maravillas. (Salmos 136:4
Upper Room Zagreb
- Zagreb, Croatia
Director: Jerry and Zuzanna Low
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 385914477977
Jelencica 10
#102 Zagreb, Croatia 10000
I heart is to host the presence of God, which will bring transformation to Zagreb, Croatia and beyond. Call for schedule, or message through our FB page: Intentional Strategies for Transformation at
Casa de Oracion La Romana. IhopRomana
Casa de Oracion La Romana. IhopRomana
- La Romana, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic
Director: Elio and Joy Coradin
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 9543092310
To create a new culture of prayer and intercession with a Sacred Trust to be a blessing and instrument of Oneness to The Church in our region
La Romana, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic 33317
? Seek in reading and you will find in meditation;knock in prayer and it wil be opened to you in contemplation.
Isaiah 55:11
Easbourne Christian Prayer Centre
- Easbourne, England
Easbourne, England
Eastbourne Prayer Centre is the home of Revival, a Christian media organisation spreading the Good News about Jesus Christ all around the world through radio programmes.
You do not have to look too far, nor too hard, to see that the vast majority of British people have all but lost any personal faith in the God of the Bible. The resulting collapse of moral standards in public and private life is made all the more painful by the evidence of a Church largely in retreat and Christian influence clearly in decline.
Whilst some strategies have succeeded in slowing the overall rate of decline (there are church groups and projects that have witnessed exciting development in recent years), the British population remains largely disinterested, having less and less exposure to the Gospel message. Eastbourne, where Revival is based, is no exception.
Despite its ever-growing population � made up mainly of young families, the homeless, and refugees � many have scarcely any church connections and remain untouched by the life-changing message of the Risen Christ. It is from this position of weakness � coupled with the frustration of failure and the apparent hopelessness of the situation � that it has become imperative that God�s people unite in seeking His mercy on an increasingly Godless society.
How can we hope to see the kind of spiritual awakening needed to turn the hearts of Britain�s people back to God? It is a goal that cannot be achieved even with the finest of human strategies and effort. It is a work that only a gracious and merciful God can do � �Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain� (Psalm 127:1).

Glasgow House of Prayer
- Glasgow, Scotland, England
Director: Phillip and Sarah Anderson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 (0) 7866 008 331
St Georges Tron Church
163 Buchanan Street Glasgow, Scotland, England G1 2JX
GHOP exists to exalt Jesus, pursue intimacy with God and contend for transformation through worship and intercession in the spirit of the tabernacle of David. We use the Harp & Bowl model of intercessory worship in regular Intercession, Worship with the Word and devotional meetings. GHOPs focus in intercession is on revival of the church and awakening in the nation Scotland, justice for the unborn and for those caught in modern day slavery, Israel and the Middle East, the Scottish and UK governments. Teaching sessions and occasional conferences focus on passion for Jesus, for the word of God, for prayer and for the Day of the Lord. Currently we meet three times a week, and were asking the Lord to set watchmen on the walls and raise up prophetic singers and musicians to keep the fire on the altar for extended times. We meet in St Georges Tron Church of Scotland, which is located on Buchanan Street, the busiest shopping street in Glasgow, the largest city in Scotland.
IHOP - London
- London, England
47 Station Road
London, England NW10 4UP
he Lord has called us to be a community of believers committed to God, each other, and to establishing a 24/7 house of prayer in London we gather daily for corporate prayer and worship in the spirit of the tabernacle of David. We are moving more and more into the direction of having night and day continues prayer and worship in London.
At The International House of Prayer-London, we are committed to prayer, fasting, the Great Commission, and to living as forerunners, preparing the generation of The Lords return. We have a mandate to train believers to love Jesus and others wholeheartedly as together we go forth to preach the Word, heal the sick, serve the poor, and proclaim the return of Jesus across the earth.
Night and day prayer with worship is the spinal cord of everything else we do. We are inspired by Amos prophecy: On that day I will raise up The tabernacle of David , which has fallen down, And repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, And rebuild it as in the days of old (Amos 9:11- NKJV//Acts 15:16 ). King David who received the revelation of night and day prayer and worship when He bought the Arc to Jerusalem and put it in a tabernacle, organized and paid 4,000 musicians and 288 singers to worship God 24/7 (I Chr.23:1-25:31).
Our vision is to prepare hundreds of full-time intercessory missionaries who, like John the Baptist, live a lifestyle of discipline and devotion to God. As forerunner messengers, their lives and voices cry out, Prepare the way of the Lord! We invite you to visit us online and in person. Join with us as we set our hearts to love God, worship Him alone, and dedicate our lives to serving Him without reservation; to demonstrate our love for others in works of service, justice, outreach, and compassion; and to proclaim the return of Jesus.

South Coast Central HOP
- Portsmouth, England
Director: Aaron and Natalie
Email: [email protected]
Portsmouth, England
Who are we? We are a ministry organised by churchs in the South Coast central area functioning towards 24/7 house of prayer, serving as a missions base.
Whats the VISION of SCCHOP? Establish individuals into the bridal identity through 24/7 prayer as forerunners in this end time. To release Gods power and love in the earth.
Whats the MISSION of SCCHOP? We exist to reach the lost and to restore the identity of believers to Christ in the context of the Bridal Paradigm. By providing biblical-based education for believers of Christ in all areas of life and to raise them up as intimate lovers of God. For the releasing of labourers empowered by the Holy Spirit through 24/7 night and day prayer for the great end time harvest of souls.
What is the purpose SCCHOP Missions? The Missions Base exists to call forth and train forerunners to embrace the prophetic forerunner spirit leading to a fasted lifestyle and the proclamation of the beauty of God as Bridegroom, King and Judge to equip believers to embrace Jesus in a wholehearted way at the end of the Age. Is this a new idea? No, definitely not! In fact the, perpetual solemn assemblies have played a key part in the formation of the church down through the centuries. For example: Around 1000 BC, King David established a tabernacle in Jerusalem and set a precedent of night and day worship before the Lord that continued at various times throughout Israel and Judahs history. Each time this order of worship was reintroduced, spiritual breakthrough, deliverance and military victory followed. Likewise, throughout the centuries, groups in Ireland, Germany, South Korea, and elsewhere across the globe have established day and night centers of prayer and worship. Following in this tradition, the South Coast Central House of Prayer are working towards their own night and day prayer to build their goal of 24/7 worship.
House of Prayer Salzburg
- Salzburg, Germany
Director: Benny
Email: [email protected]
Barengasschen 8
Salzburg, Germany 5020
The House of Prayer Salzburg is a place where God is loved abundantly. In worship and intercession we stand before the Throne of God praying for individuals, cities, peoples, and nations. As watchmen we wait day and night for the Second Coming of the Lord.
The House of Prayer is a place in which people seek God, enjoy His presence, and hear His voice.
Jasons House of Prayer (St. Jason)
Jasons House of Prayer (St. Jason)
- Thessaloniki, Greece
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 30 2310 602 550
Thessaloniki, Greece
24-7 Prayer - Ireland
- Dublin, Ireland
Director: Brian Heasley
301 Kings Road
Dublin, Ireland
24-7 Prayer is an international, interdenominational movement of prayer, mission and justice that began with a single, student-led prayer vigil in Chichester, England in 1999 and has spread, by word-of-mouth, into 100+ nations.
For more than a decade the global 24-7 Prayer meeting has continuedunbroken, impacting locations as diverse as the US Naval Academy, a German punk festival, war-zones and underground churches, the slums of Delhi, the jungles of Papua New Guinea, ancient English cathedrals and even a brewery in Missouri.
Along the way, this unusual prayer meeting has given rise to numerous new initiatives, communities and ministries particularly focusing on the poor, the marginalised, students and those outside the reach of normal expressions of church
Ballymena House of Prayer
- Ballymena, Ireland
Director: Jonathan Leakey
Email: [email protected]
11-17 Paradise Avenue
Ballymena, Ireland BT42 3AE
A space for intimacy with the Father
A commitment to sustained worship, intercession, reaching out to those in need.
The aims of the House of Prayer will be:
- to be a focus for worship and prayer open to all Christians in the Ballymena area, whatever their denomination,
- to come together in unity
- to meet once a month on the last Monday evening of each month (except December and August); this may become more frequent as we progress;
- to worship God together and lift up the name of Jesus over the town and borough
- to reach out to those in need in the are
Vertical Galilee House of Prayer
- Tiberias, Israel
Director: Samuel Marlow
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +9720586155525
Beit Zera
Tiberias, Israel
Shalom and blessings from the Galilee, Israel, Great to meet you!
My name is Samuel Marlow ?A Galilean?
I realize that God is doing something here that is unique in the land of Israel, as it relates to the ?Restoration of the Tabernacle of David? (Amos 9:11)
We felt that God was leading us to reach out to you and connect with you as a prayer partner.
This is us here near the Sea of Galilee at the Jordan river.
And a little bit more about us, we are believing to finish the major renovations that we began.
Also 24/7 online??
Our BIBLICAL mandate
Isaiah 56:5-7
?mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people?
As we pray through the 700 Aliyah scriptures and raise intercessors for Israel, we believe that we are provoking the Jewish people in Israel to jealousy, while being servant hearted and getting them settled in the promised land.
Just as it says in Romans 11, to make them jealous, and carry them on our shoulders, and in our arms. Isaiah 49:22.
This is preparing the way of the Lord- the restoration of all things as spoken about by the prophets. Acts 3:21
Also check out more of what God is doing here as we join in intercession:

24-7 Italia
- Montecalvo Irpino, Italy
Director: Umberto Iorillo
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0039.345.64.68.714
via S.Andrea, 9
Montecalvo Irpino, Italy 83037
La casa di preghiera 24/7 Italia è un luogo dedicato alla preghiera, all?intercessione, alla lode e all?adorazione, in cui ogni attività, esperienza o progetto vuole essere incentrata su Dio e sulla realtà della Sua presenza.
È uno spazio aperto a chiunque abbia il desiderio di dedicare qualche ora o qualche giorno del proprio tempo in preghiera, intercessione, lode e adorazione.
È uno sp...azio predisposto appositamente per:
- dedicare del tempo allesercizio di discipline spirituali come il digiuno e la meditazione della Parola
- trascorrere momenti di intimità alla presenza di Dio
- esprimere e sviluppare talenti e doni spirituali e artistici, in un ambiente sperimentale, spontaneo e dispirazione divina.
L?obiettivo è anche quello di coordinare insieme alle chiese locali, ai ministeri e a credenti singoli d?Italia, una rete di preghiera nazionale con lo scopo finale di stabilire nel nostro Paese un flusso ininterrotto di preghiera, lode e intercessione, 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7.
Crediamo sia importante continuare a stabilire e consolidare contatti con movimenti analoghi allestero già esistenti.
Sessioni di intercessione, lode, adorazione.
Giornate dedicate alla preghiera continua per motivi specifici.
Seminari, studi biblici, corsi di preparazione artistica e ministeriale con ospiti nazionali e internazionali.
Coordinazione e organizzazione di una rete nazionale di preghiera 24/7.
Il modello della preghiera 24/7 si ispira al tabernacolo di Davide, un luogo in cui per 40 anni leviti, cantori e adoratori offrirono preghiera e lode continua alla presenza di Dio. In questa tenda dimorava la presenza manifesta di Dio e veniva custodita l?Arca del Patto (1 Cronache 16).
Nelle Scritture Dio ribadisce più volte il Suo proposito di ricostruire il tabernacolo di Davide (Atti 15:16-18 ? Amos 9:11), non già la struttura fisica ma piuttosto un ministero di preghiera e adorazione continua alla Sua presenza.
Vediamo anche che nella Sala del Trono al cospetto di Dio, si offre l?incenso che rappresenta le preghiere dei santi, insieme al suono dell?arpa; qui si ripete il modello del tabernacolo di Davide: preghiera e intercessione, unite al canto e alla musica.
Un altro esempio è visibile nel tabernacolo di Mosé, dove i sacerdoti avevano il compito di bruciare continuamente l?incenso e ravvivare il fuoco acceso da Dio sull?altare (Levitico 6:12-13 ? Esodo 30:8) Naturalmente, questo è un modello che sicuramente riguarda la vita del credente individuale, ma è anche un?ulteriore conferma del fatto che Dio desidera che ci sia questa continuità nella lode e nella preghiera, a livello personale e a livello comunitario.
Se siete interessati a visitare la sede di 24/7 Italia, a coprire qualche turno oppure a passare qualche giorno nella casa, vi invitiamo a contattarci
[email protected] per informazioni.
Per soggiorni di durata superiore a 3 gg, è necessario fare richiesta scritta, compilando lapposito modulo e fare un colloquio con lo staff di 24/7 Italia. E richiesto un contributo per la copertura delle spese. 24/7 Italia si riserva di accettare o meno ogni richiesta presentata.
[email protected]
Sito Web

Jamaica House of Prayer (JaHOP)
- Kingston, Jamaica
Director: Pastor Harry Walcott and Rosamund Walcott
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 876-631-9520
3rd Floor, 24 Northside Plaza, Liguanea
Kingston 6 Jamaica Kingston, Jamaica
Jamaica House of Prayer (JaHOP) is a non-denominational ministry that is calling for participation from any church, para-church organization or Business that worships Jesus according to the Scripture, regardless of denomination, for the sake of bringing unity to the Body of Christ and for revival to come in Kingston, throughout the rest of Jamaica, the Caribbean and the world, as we look forward to the second coming of Christ.
A Mission Base to include a 24/7 Prayer Room; Conference Facility, with accommodation; a Ministry School for the training of intercessors, worshippers, musicians and prophetic messengers to go forth and impact their communities and the nations of the earth as we look forward to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
? To call forth, train and mobilize worshipping intercessors who operate in the forerunner spirit as end-time prophetic messengers.
? To establish a 24/7 Prayer Room in Kingston by gathering corporately to fast and pray in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David.
? To train and send out teams to plant Houses of Prayer in the communities, the Caribbean and the world, after God grants a breakthrough of His power in Kingston, Jamaica.
Fire Revival Apostolic Church Arena of Prayers and Worship
Fire Revival Apostolic Church Arena of Prayers and Worship
- Ahero, Kenya
Director: Pastor Dan Dalton Ngage
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +254723666681
PO Box 407
Ahero, Kenya 40101
Vision: Doing Chain Praye

Kenya House of Prayer
- Kenyatta, Kenya
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 020-2710516
Kenyatta, Kenya
Kenya House of Prayer is a Christian organization duly registered in Kenya. It is an interdenominational, non-denominational prayer fellowship. The term ?House of Prayer? is derived from the Bible. Isaiah 56:7, Matthew 21:13 that ?God?s house shall be called a house of prayer.?
Kenya House of Prayer is affiliated to Intercessors for Africa or Africa House of Prayer. The Intercessors for Africa is based in Accra, Ghana. It was founded in 1985 as a network of participating national prayer and intercessory networks of countries primarily within the African continent as well as Africans in the diaspora.
To see a transformed society through establishment of the Kingdom of God in Kenya and beyond.
?Standing in the gap on behalf of the land through training and strategic prayer.?
To train, mobilize, equip and deploy in the nation an army of mature praying believers who pray strategically, affirming the victory of Jesus Christ in the land.
To train and develop intercessors in Kenya and provide a platform for effective intercessory networks across the land
To encourage, equip raise and pray for leaders who in turn will manifest servant leadership
To discern Gods redemptive role for the Kenyan peoples as richly illustrated in the scriptures
To discern, mobilize prayer for Africa and the nations to fulfill their God given mandate
- Skopje, Macedonia
Director: Igor Jakimovski
Email: [email protected]
Skopje, Macedonia
As the House of Payer in Skopje, Macedonia (MAKHOP), our main desire is to minister to God?s heart by standing before His presence to worship and exalt Him. We do this simply because He is worthy of our praises, worthy of our devotion, and worthy of our time.
It is our desire that of the place of intimacy in worshiping God, that we will encounter and partner with Him through prayer and intercession according to the desires of His heart and His Word.
As we worship and pray, we grow in knowing the heart of our loving Father so that we are equipped, overflowing with His love and compassion to go out and minister to the people around us according to the gifts that God has given us and according to the place of ministry He has placed us to be.

Mediteranian Regional Prayer Center
- Floriana, Malta
Director: Ben and Eve Passmore, Nathalie Purchase
Email: [email protected]
89 Kapuccini St.
Floriana, Malta VLT15
The primary purpose of the Malta House of Prayer is to be a people that prioritize beholding the Lord in His beauty and being renewed into His likeness every day.
(Psalm 27:4)
We are a community that desires to be a continual furnace of intercession, a gathering of watchmen who have devoted themselves to a lifestyle of prayer and fasting.
(Isaiah 52:8, Isaiah 62:6,7)
One of the main visions of the Malta House of Prayer is to meet daily to pray and worship and experience the power of the Holy Spirit. We do this mostly in the style of the Tabernacle of David. (1 Chron 23-26 ) We desire to bring unity to the churches by facilitating these prayer meetings as a neutral environment, a place where individuals from all denominations are welcome to come and worship corporately. (Acts 2:46,47)
The main topic of intercession during the prayer meetings is the Body of Christ in Malta. We serve the Body in this way by lifting up the congregations and the leaders daily before Jesus. We also continually petition the Lord to bring a great spiritual awakening to Malta and the surrounding nations.
We encourage participants to take what they gain in the prayer meetings back to their various communities and places of fellowship. We welcome members of local churches to be a part of the Service Team by leading prayer and worship during the meetings as an expression of continual partnership within the Body of Christ in Malta. While prioritizing relational accountability within the Leadership Team we also encourage them to serve, pray, and worship with other groups. We purposely have not scheduled a Sunday morning meeting so as to make this easy. As a way of serving the churches in Malta, we facilitate daily prayer meetings in hopes of contributing to unity and overall spiritual maturity of the Body of Christ.
We are also more than a local community because we partner internationally with organizations who have prioritized prayer as part of their ministry. The Lord has clearly orchestrated this and we will continue to serve through international partnerships to fulfill the Lords purposes in the Mediterranean region. The Lord has spoken numerous times to us and to many others that Malta is very strategic in His plan for the regio

24-7 Prayer Ermelo
- Ermelo, Netherlands
Director: Linda
Email: [email protected]
Ermelo, Netherlands
24-7 Prayer Ermelo
Entering the Lord God
Many of us desire, but what is in practice often. It seems so ambitious. One hour alone (or with someone else) pray. How to play it ready? And still others form a chain of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Come on!
May we invite you to insert a first step and just want to get one hour? Not with the obligation to one hour a serious attitude of prayer to sit, but also to take time to read a passage, think about it, to a good CD to listen own music making (with the available guitar ) and sing your heart out in song. Everything is possible, especially in the area, which is specially decorated. The prayers of your heart you loud or soft to the Lord speak, but it is also possible to them as encouragement for others to write (in a notebook, or even on the blackboard).
Come and convince yours

House of prayer Amersfoor
- Amersfoor, Netherlands
Amersfoor, Netherlands
Vision and purpose
There are no translations available.
In the house of prayer is the central theme of the first part of the prayer that Jesus taught us:
"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven" (Matthew 6:9,10).
There are three objectives:
1) It is a place of worship where the Bible, the word of God in proclamation, music and singing prayers to Him is returned, and being created in His creation. Once this took place in the tabernacle of David, and
will again take place in the last days (1 Chronicles 9:11 16/Amos / Acts 15:16-18). The desire is that there will be an evolution to 24 / 7 prayer:
"Day and night they repeat:" Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is and who is ... " (Revelation 4:8 vice vers
House of Prayer Rotterdam
- Rotterdam, Netherlands
Director: Wim Duijvenbod
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 010-455 37 45
58 Tulip Street, 3071 U.S.
Rotterdam, Netherlands
The past ten or fifteen years have been all over the world, including the Netherlands, House of Prayer arise. Elim may be one of them.
Elim Rotterdam from 1901 to 1940 was already a mission home for Jews. It was located in the same place as where Elim is now. See History. Elim in 2005, reopened its doors as a House of Prayer.
The Bible is the foundation of everything in Elim. See also History and Vision.
Prayer is of course the main activity in Elim. There are several prayer meetings. We pray first for salvation of the inhabitants of large-Rotterdam, about one million people. Furthermore we pray for all practical matters of Church and Society in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Because the blessing of the biblical people of Israel the second pillar of Elim, there are of course Isra?lbidstonden.
With the famous "pray and work" in mind there are two practical ministries in Elim, which is actually the blessing of Israel and Evangelism.
An example of the first is sufficient interest we hold monthly Messianic Shabbat meal. With the aim of interested acquainted with one of Gods Biblical Holidays and to taste how the people of Israel celebrates an evening.
Elim is not affiliated with any local church or church but works to serve the Church of Jesus Christ in Rotterdam. The people who come to pray in Elim (including preachers and pastors) come from many different church
Tauranga House of Prayer
- Tauranga, New Zealand
Director: Ryan & Betty Condo
Email: [email protected]
c/- FBC
749 Welcome Bay Rd, Welcome Bay Tauranga, New Zealand 3175
Located at the ends of the earth in the beautiful city of Tauranga, New Zealand on the campus of Faith Bible College. Been operating since 2006. Further information on THOP on the website including internships available each year.
World Intercessors for Africa
World Intercessors for Africa
- Ikorodu, Nigeria
Director: Pastor Julius Ayodele
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +2348050547899
Ikorodu, Nigeria 2340
- Portim, Portugal
Director: Ana Fidalgo
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 912231591
Av Brasil Lote P2 5A
Portim, Portugal 8500-504
Portimio House of Prayer
Portimio House of Prayer
- Portimio, Portugal
Director: Ana e Fernando Fidalgo
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 912231591
Av. do Brasil Lote P2 5A
Portimio, Portugal 8500-504
Casa de Ora??o Portim?o House of Prayer - phop
Sentimos uma chamada do c?u, para nesta hora estabelecer uma casa de ora??o na cidade de Portim?o.
Desejamos entrar em parceria com o corpo de Cristo na cidade, regi?o e na??o para ver um despertamento da ora??o no cora??o da Igreja.
Queremos servir a igreja na cidade, regi?o e na??o, multiplicando a vis?o da casa de ora??o no esp?rito do tabern?culo de David, para que cada igreja possa expressar-se na medida que ? guiada por Deus.
Ural House of Prayer
- Ekaterinburg, Russia
Director: Oleg Kazantsev
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +79068109838
7 Sheinkmana Street
Ekaterinburg, Russia 620014
This House of Prayer is located in the "belly" of Russia.
As said in John 7:3, "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." We pray for Russia to believe in Christ as its Savior and for all the Nations to get to know the Lord.
Our prayer meetings are conducted almost daily and include Intersession, Worship with the Word and Devotional sets.
If you are in Ekaterinburg, you are more then welcome to come and join us in prayer and worship.

IHOP - One Thing Ministries
- Singapore, Singapore
Director: Kay-Chong Yeo
Email: [email protected]
165 Sims Avenue
#06-03 Singapore, Singapore 259178
At the International House of Prayer ? One Thing Ministries, the Lord has called us to be a Forerunner Community that is committed to Prayer with Worship, the Prophetic and the Great Commission.
As a Forerunner Community, we embrace and seek to live out the following four heart standards (embodied in the acronym ?IHOP?), in order to be a people who will partner with God in these Last Days:
Intercession: a people of prayer, expressed corporately through night and day prayer and worship;
Holiness: a people who have set themselves apart for intimacy with God, and who live out the Sermon on the Mount lifestyle;
Offering: a people who give extravagantly to God for the advancement of His Kingdom, and who live a fasted life (ie. simply) for themselves;
Prophetic: a people who stand boldly in faith, move in the power of God and have confidence in His provision, protection and direction.
As a missions base, we seek to equip and send missionaries as dedicated intercessors and evangelists with a forerunner spirit who will labour to see revival and a great harvest all over Asia.
The heart of our missions base is 24/7 worship and prayer; thus, we seek to establish a 24/7 House of Prayer in Singapore ? a perpetual and sacred assembly gathering corporately to fast and pray in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David.
Two historical figures from the Bible who inspire us are Anna, the first evangelist and forerunner in the New Testament, and King David from the Old Testament. Anna prayed and fasted for over sixty years before Jesus? first coming (Luke 2:37), and King David organized and paid 4,000 musicians and 288 singers to worship God night and day (1 Chron. 23:1 ? 25:31).
Our mandate is to train believers, from this place of night and day prayer, to love Jesus and people wholeheartedly as they go forth to preach the Word, heal the sick, serve the poor, plant Houses of Prayer and proclaim the return of Jesus across the earth.
International House Of Prayer Saldanha Bay
International House Of Prayer Saldanha Bay
- Saldanha, South Africa
Director: Frankquit Jooste
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0827836342
18 Burton Port Stree
West Coast Saldanha, South Africa 7395
We Glorify God the Father ,Lift up the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth from the earth in the power and glorious presence of the Holy Spirit through Prayer and Fasting and Praise and Worship.
Prayer House Ministries
Prayer House Ministries
- George, South Africa
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 27 82 879 5892
George, South Africa
"Prayer House Ministries is an Interdenominational 24/7 - Intercessory Worship Ministry since April 2003, seeking to serve the body of Christ in?George and the Southern Cape ?in the fulfillment of it?s calling as ?a house of prayer for the nations? at the level of the local congregation, city and region."
Witbank House of Prayer Missions Base
- Witbank, South Africa
Director: Marais Hendriksz
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +27834471661
Corner of Watermeyer Steve Biko Bantu Street
Witbank, South Africa 1034
The Spirit and the Bride is calling, ?Come Lord Jesus, Come!? We live in a day and age that our Lord Jesus Christ is calling His Church, you and me right across the globe, to be prepared as His great reward, His bride. To live in an intimate and loving relationship with Him. He paid the ultimate price to be close to you. Come and join us on this journey to make the fist commandment your only commandment, to live a godly holy live that is energized and sustained by love.
Sthlms Bonehus
- Stockholm, Sweden
Smala grond 5
Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm House of Prayer is an interdenominational prayer movement with Jesus in the center. We work in relationship with the larger Body of Christ for renewal, revival and seek to walk out the two great commandments to love God and people.
Through prayer, worship and the Word we seek to create a platform where we can meet God and in His presence be healed, transformed and restored. We do not want to build a local church, but instead be a resource for the Body of Christ in Stockholm, Sweden. We seek to build a house of prayer in Stockholm, with ongoing prayer and worship 24-7.
We meet to pray and worship (intercession) every Monday at 7 pm in the basement of the Rosenius church (entrance to the left of Rosenius Church), Smala Gr?nd 5, Stockholm. Intercession sessions can be more energetic, as the room is invited to engage in corporate prayer. There is generally a specific prayer focus, and individuals in the room are welcome to pray on the microphone for a corporate burden. There are also times of small group prayer for any who wish to participate.
Every Wednesday we meet at 7.00 pm for contemplative worship. Contemplative worship is a prayer format in which we agree with God?s heart as we sing the biblical truths of who God is and what His promises are. These sessions are more devotional in nature, providing an atmosphere conducive to reading the Bible and entering into contemplative or devotional prayer.
We also meet every first friday of the month at 7 pm for renewal meetings or biblestudies.
Subway station: H?torget or ?stermalmstorg. Wel

Glasgow House of Prayer
- Glasgow, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 7866 008 331
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Glasgow House of Prayer (GHOP) is a non-denominational ministry that exists to pursue intimacy with God, exalt Jesus and contend for transformation through night and day worship and intercession in the spirit of the tabernacle of David. We are currently training musicians, singers, prayer leaders and technical support, forming teams to facilitate regular gatherings for prayer and worship around the city. While 24/7 isnt the finish line, Jesus is more than worthy of unceasing devotion and unbroken exaltation. As Christians we are called into partnership with God through persevering intercession, in agreement with His heart and word, and in unity with one another. The promises of 2 Chronicles 7:14 will be realised only if we fulfill the conditions - "if My people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways and seek My face, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal the land."
Click on the section titles to find out more about GHOP