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Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Vermont.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.
Gathering Nations New England
- South Burlington, VT
Director: David Rosen
Email: [email protected]
South Burlington, VT 05407
My story I believe is one of many that are part of a great end time story of God purpose in seeing the original host peoples of North America the American and Canadian Indians come into the fullness of their destiny as original gatekeepers and steward of this land we live in.
What the enemy tried to do to extinguish their existence on this continent is now being turned around by Gods unyielding purpose for a time such as now to bring healing to the land. God has stored a secret weapon within our midst that is now being released for the purposes of Gods Kingdom.
We as a ministry recognize our destiny is intertwined in covenant with the destiny of the original host peoples of this land. It is also clear that the Lord is rising up true Apostolic First Nations Leaders that will be generals of the faith and lead the charge. These Generals dont see themselves as separate form Gods ecclesia, His church but are coming forth for a time such as this to see the church move further into its destiny and authority on the earth.
One of these Generals we have come into covenant relationship with is Kenny Blacksmith of Gathering Nations International, who we would dishonor with out mentioning his ministry partner and powerful women of God his wife Louise. Kenny is a former deputy Grand Chief of the Cree peoples in Northern Quebec who has accepted this call of heaven to carry a national and international platform to call forth the original host peoples Canada and beyond to take there rightful place in Gods end time plan. It is also important to mention that we not only see Kenny as one of our Apostles over this ministry but also see Kenny and Louise as our dear friends who we love and are the Godparents of our children

Newport House of Prayer (NewHOP)
- Newport, VT
Director: Jennifer Black
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 8023237042
81 Weaver Street
Newport, VT 05855
NewHOP stands for Newport House of Prayer. Every Wednesday night we meet to minister God?s love with praise, worship, and prayer to heal, rebuild, and restore for Life in Christ Fellowship, the town of Newport, the Northeast Kingdom and southeastern Quebec, the state of Vermont, the nations of the United States and Canada, and the world.
Our desire is to bring the Presence and love of God to the Northeast Kingdom, and while we are still learning and following God?s vision for the ministry, the focus is on prophetic worship and intercessi
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