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South Carolina
Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in South Carolina.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.

Greeneville HoP
- Greeneville, SC
Director: Jerry Blassingame
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (864) 918-6187
221 North Main Street
Greeneville, SC 29601
What is GHOP?
The Greenville House of Prayer (GHOP) is a prayer and ministry base located in the heart of Greenville, SC that serves Jesus and His purposes in the earth and is moving toward the ultimate goal of being a 24/7 prayer and missions base.
On May 8, 2007, GHOP was founded by Kris Miyake and eight "intercessory missionaries" who cried out to God in prayer with worship for four hours every Tuesday night in a small room at VHM Records. Now GHOP has developed into a thriving house of prayer thats committed to worship, intercession, and authentic discipleship while serving the city of Greenville. We believe ministry is done best when our lives are rooted in prayer and worship that focuses on intimacy with God hence our commitment to such a lifestyle.
GHOP is not affiliated with any one particular congregation or denomination because we desire for Jesus to see the unity he prayed for in John 17 become a reality for the Church in Greenville. We believe one of our mandates is to contend in prayer for this unity and to serve the Body of Christ towards the fulfillment of this promise.
What is the vision of GHOP?
To establish 24/7 prayer and worship to unite the Body of Christ and see Gods plans and purposes fulfilled in our city.
We see Gods house being restored to the house of prayer that it?s called to be, resulting in a unified Body of Christ across racial, denominational, and economics lines that is passionate for Jesus and His Kingdom. We see true disciples of Jesus being made as believers return to their first love and are rooted in the place of prayer. Out of this place of intimacy and discipleship, we see intercessory missionaries being sent to preach the gospel to all nations, ultimately ushering in the return of King Jesus as He establishes His reign on the earth. We believe we can help accomplish the above as we facilitate 24/7 prayer, worship and intercession that?s grounded in Christ-centered Community, Unity, and Discipleship.
What is the mission of GHOP?
To co-labor with Holy Spirit and the universal Body of Christ to establish 24/7 prayer for the purpose of:
1.) Fulfilling the Great Commission.
2.) Uniting the Body of Christ.
3.) Exalting the Name of Jesus.
4.) Loving God and Loving People.
We believe our mission will be accomplished as we give ourselves to the narrow path while also calling others to a sacrificial lifestyle of devotion to Jesus. We desire to live and promote an authentic relationship with God that is characterized by the fruits and gifts of the Spirit. We believe this life of intimacy and power will spring out of a strong dedication to prayer, worship, fasting, simplicity, giving, community, missions, and deep encounter in the Word of God.
One Thing Worship and Prayer Center
One Thing Worship and Prayer Center
- Abbeville, SC
Director: Gary and Jeanetta Yoder
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 8643787507
403 S Main St
Abbeville, SC 29620
Prayer Center for the Community to seek the heart of God around Jesus, the One Thing.
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