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Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Pennsylvania. If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added, please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page. We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.

24-7 Prayer List
24-7 Prayer List - Meadville, PA

Category: Prayer Network
Director: Ralph Egyud
Meadville, PA

Wed like you to do four things as you explore this site:

1. Find YOUR house of prayer, prayer ministry, etc.. If it is listed, please check all the
information and let us know of any corrections (use the "Contact Us" link on the left);

2. If you cannot find your ministry on this site, or if you know of a like ministry that
isnt listed, please contact us and give us the pertinent information so we can get
you on board pronto!

3. Make new friends!

4. Pray regularly for the ministries listed here.

Its that simple. Be blessed, and let us know when something great happens - new
connections, long-lost friends found, new networks established, etc.

Ralph and Sue Egyud
The Altar International House of Prayer, Meadville, P
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Base mission?ria casa de ora??o Ananindeua-Pa

Base mission?ria casa de ora??o Ananindeua-Pa - Ananindeua, PA
Category: Prayer House Director: Ana Grayce Alencar Moreira e Carlos Alberto Moreir
Phone: 91 999822921

Estrada da Provid?ncia Cidade Nova 8 we 26
Ananindeua, PA 67000000
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CastleHOP - New Castle, PA
Category: Prayer House
Director: Co- directors Pam & Scott Thiry
Phone: 724-856-3653

540 East Long Avenue
New Castle, PA 16101

We are an inner city prayer house that works with the local churches. We also have a program called feedMysheep outreach that clothes and feeds. Bringing love to people that feel unloved in hopes they find the secret place with their King Jesus. We feel The Lord wants us to build a place of belonging that will keep the next generation off the streets using the creative arts of music, singing, human videos, painting, sculpting and much mo
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Gateway House of Prayer
Gateway House of Prayer - Ephrata, PA

Category: Prayer House
Phone: 717-721-1975

70 Clay School Rd
Ephrata, PA 17522

GHOP is located in Ephrata, Pennsylvania where we seek to honor Jesus Christ night and day through praise & worship; and where we are contending for the advancement of the Kingdom of God through intercessory prayer.
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Light-House Of Prayer Ministries - Jeannette, PA
Category: Prayer House
Director: Rev. Scott Charles Wolfe, Chaplain
Phone: 724-523-5426

124.5 North Second Street
Jeannette, PA 15644-3325

Light-House Of Prayer Ministries

Rev. Scott Charles Wolfe, Chaplain

124.5 North Second Street
Jeannette, Pa. 15644-3325
Home: 724-523-5426
Mobile: 412-610-3809
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/lighthouseofprayerministries/

Helping a neighbor in need is considered a more religious act than participating in complicated rituals.

Question & Answer

Question: What happens when believers pray for their neighbors?

Answer: Good things that wouldnt have happened if we hadnt prayed!

Are there some specific "good things" youd like us to pray about for you?

Call And E-mail us to let us know.

Prayer can make a difference in every persons life in our neighborhoods.

Wed like to pray specifically for your needs. Just Call And E-mail us your prayer requests wed love to pray for you.

My Business Is Prayer (M.B.I.P.)

Do you need prayer for your health, for your work, for your family, or for any other need?

Well pray for you for thirty days. Call And E-mail us if God answers before thirty days are up!


Neighbors Who Pray For Neighbors

We pray because...

-Prayer is the shortest way to God.
-Prayer honors God, who is eager to have us ask.
-Prayer is the means by which heavens blessing are brought down to earth.
-Prayer changes things which need to be changed.
-Prayer is wonderful and effective.

We pray for...

-Physical blessings like health, jobs, and income.
-Inner-world blessings like joy and peace.
-Relational blessings like love, family harmony, and good friends.
-Spiritual blessings like faith, hope, and peace with God.
-Solutions to lifes problems.

Please, let us know if we can pray for you.

Deo Vindice! In God We Trust!

1 John 3:18: My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

Members are known by their first name and their absence is apparent at services. Each member is part of an emotional support group that protects each other from falling through the cracks. Family and friends celebrate happy events together and help each other out during tragic events.

Helping a neighbor in need is considered a more religious act than participating in complicated rituals.

Christian Chaplains Corps Of America
Chaplain Scott Charles Wolfe

The Christian Chaplains Corps of America is a Patriotic Volunteer organization, committed to following the Lord as Disciples of Christ, commissioning Chaplains and Chaplain Assistants who will go out and make new disciples, by baptizing, teaching, preaching and ministering to people in our nations communities and reaching out and helping to alleviate human suffering wherever there is a need.

Rev. Scott Charles Wolfe, Chaplain

Rev. Scott Charles Wolfe
124.5 North Second Street
Jeannette, Pa. 15644-3325
Primary: (724) 523-5426
Mobile: (412) 610-3809
E-mail: [email protected]

I am a legally ordained and licensed independent Christian minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a chaplain in the Christian Chaplains Corps Of America (CCCA) and in the PA 265 Frontiersmen. I am a member of the American Association Of Wedding Officiants, a minister at Shiloh Ministries Outreach Center International , and a Tour Guide at Bushy Run Battlefield.

1. Shiloh Ministries Outreach Center International .

Shiloh Ministries Outreach Center, International ( SMOC, Intl ) is dedicated to the servant hood of mankind. Our goal is to reach out to the community and surrounding areas including state, national, and international level to share Gods love and kindness to all. SMOC is a group of multi-cultural believers joining together under one cause which is to build up the Kingdom of God on earth. The River of Gods Purpose for SMOC branches off into four tributaries:
? Evangelism
? Missions
? Homeless Ministry
? Discipleship.

2. Christian Chaplains Corps of America (CCCA)

The Christian Chaplains Corps of America (CCCA) is a Patriotic Volunteer organization, committed to following the Lord as Disciples of Christ, commissioning Chaplains and Chaplain Assistants who will go out and make new disciples, by baptizing, teaching, preaching and ministering to people in our nations communities and reaching out and helping to alleviate human suffering wherever there is a need.

3. American Association of Wedding Officiants (AAWO)

The American Association of Wedding Officiants (AAWO) is an association of professional wedding ministers, celebrants, officials, and Justices of the Peace who have joined together to promote professionalism in the ever growing profession of performing weddings. The purpose is to share information and ideas to make each member better equipped to perform a wedding ceremony and to allow brides and grooms to select a wedding officiant with better knowledge and ability. Each member is certified to be legally registered to perform a wedding ceremony in their jurisdiction.

4. The Frontiersmen

?The Frontiersmen is a network of local units created by citizens in order to better prepare for man-made, economic, and natural disasters throughout the United States. Our mission is to provide for the education, training, and equipping of members to mutually defend our friends, families & property during a crisis.?
- Official Mission Statement

Chaplainry (Unit Chaplain)
?Provide emotional & spiritual aid to all members.
?Advise leaders and assist in maintaining a moral direction for the Unit.
?Assist members of various faiths in acquiring counsel and materials from organizations of their choosing
. Lead the unit in group prayer during services.
?Establish relationships with all local religious organizations.

My Ministry

Light-House Of Prayer Ministries:

Is a gathering of two or more people in Jesus name for the purpose of praying for, caring for, and sharing Christ with their neighbors and others in their sphere of influence. Essentially, believers pray for their neighbors by name, care for them through ministry, and share Jesus with them. Focused, consistent prayer among believers is the foundation for everything else that takes place.

Members are known by their first name and their absence is apparent at services. Each member is part of an emotional support group that protects each other from falling through the cracks. Family and friends celebrate happy events together and help each other out during tragic events.

Helping a neighbor in need is considered a more religious act than participating in complicated rituals.

1 John 3: 18: My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
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The Altar IHOP
The Altar IHOP - Meadville, PA

Category: Prayer House
Phone: 814-724-4242

660-8 Terrace St
Penn Plaza
Meadville, PA 16335

The Altar International House of Prayer, is a regional intercessory prayer ministry. Its a place where all Christians regardless of denomination can join together to pray for their church, city, state, nation and other countries. It is done in the style of the Tabernacle of David. Our purpose is to establish a place of twenty-four hour worship and prayer to glorify God and bring about awakening and transformation to the body of Christ in this re
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VOICE of the BRIDE - Irwin, PA

Category: Prayer House
Director: Marcia Rhoades
Phone: 724 454 4329

8800 Pennsylvania Ave.
Irwin, PA 14652

Voice of the Bride is a relational ministry endeavoring to unite like-minded individuals who hear the call of Jesus to step out into deeper waters through their worship and intercession.

We gather area worship teams and intercessors to take a scheduled amount of time and lead that gathering in intercessory worship.

Do you feel called to extended times of worship and intercession; a longing to see the Tabernacle of David restored and worship continuing around the clock in South Western Pennsylvania ? we should get together. We are constantly looking for opportunities to network with like-hearted individuals.

We desire to see revival come and to see transformation of this city and the world. Transformation is about waging spiritual warfare and seeing the Church of Jesus Christ used as an instrument to shift the balance of power in that war. Its about seeing the Church exercising influence and authority through its life of holiness, love and compassion for a lost and dying world.

Transformation is about reaching a critical mass of believers who are so empowered by the gospel of Christ that they change everything they touch.

Feel free to contact us for more information or dive right into one of our gatherings and try the waters.
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