Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Ohio.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.

Cincinnati House of Prayer
- West Chester, OH
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 513-942-3892
22 Carnegie Way
West Chester, OH 45246
The Cincinnati House of Prayer is a cross-denominational community of believers that exists to provide a place for lovesick worshipers to pour out their hearts in prayer and worship to God on behalf of themselves, their community, city, country and world. It?s a place where the first commandment, to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, is put into practice, resulting in outward expressions of loving your neighbor as yourself. At C-HOP, we are trying, in the grace of God, to establish a place where prayer and worship continue non-stop. We are inviting any Christian fellowship in the Cincinnati area to join with us. We desire to see a unified, citywide voice that reaches before God asking for His Kingdom and His will to come to this city and region. In so doing, the ?justice? promised in Luke 18 will be realized quickly.
Clark State Community College - Clark State Prayer Furnace
Clark State Community College - Clark State Prayer Furnace
- Springfield, OH
Email: [email protected]
Springfield, OH
Columbus HoP
- Columbus, OH
1673 Karl Ct
Columbus, OH 43229
Why CoHOP?
To build onto the Lord a 24/7 House of Prayer (prayer, revival, and justice center) after the order of the Tabernacle of David, where intercessory worship will ascend night and day onto the Throne Room of God until He makes Columbus, OH a praise in the earth. (Lk 18:6; Is 56:7; Is 62:6; Acts 15:15, Rev 8)
- To unite the Church of Jesus Christ in Columbus OH through Prayer/Intercession to return and fulfill the first and great commandment, thus being truly empowered to fulfill the second commandment. (Ps 133;
- To see a true Holy Ghost awakening and revival in the city, causing the young and the old to become fascinated and captivated by the awesome beauty of the Lord through intimate worship and intercession.
- To see the harvest of souls in our communities, especially in the Muslim community of our city through intercession and works of justice so that the Lamb that was slain will receive the reward of His suffering
- To effectively and adequately prepare the Church for the Second coming of our Bridegroom King through intimate worship, prayer, and teaching on Jesus? Endtime battle plan for His bride

IHOP -Canton
- North Canton, OH
Director: MARK ENGEL
2001 29th St
North Canton, OH 44709
To raise up a generation of worshipping intercessors and prophetic, anointed messengers who give themselves in a lifestyle of devoted intimacy with Jesus to advance Christs Kingdom through revival in the Church and a great harvest of souls among the nations.
The Prayer Room is the heart and soul of Restoration House Ministries International. Our times of corporate intercessory worship are designed to reflect the pattern of the Tabernacle of David (1 Chronicles 22-24). Our ultimate goal is to come to the place where the worship and intercession of the prayer room continues night and day (24/7) without ceasing.
The prayer room is designed primarily for corporate intercession. While an intercessor may pray for any burden God has placed on their heart, you will find us consistently praying for:
Renewal for pastors and ministry leaders
Revival in city/regional churches
Transformation of our city/region
City, State and National Government leaders
Fruitful evangelism locally and among the nations
Youth to be raised up as a unique "Forerunner" generation
Justice issues (abortion; ethnic reconciliation; human trafficking, etc.)
Unity in the Body of Christ
Healing for the sick
Participants may actively engage in these times of energetic intercession by singing along with the worship team, by praying on the microphone for a corporate burden which may involve our region or believers worldwide, by praying a short 30-45 second prayer along with numerous others during one of our "rapid fire prayer" cycles focused on a specific theme and/or by praying with others who may wish to participate in a small group prayer time.
Visitors and participants may choose to be in the prayer room to read their Bible, study, write in a journal or quietly pray while immersed in an atmosphere of worship. While in the prayer room you may sit, stand or pace in the back. However you engage, we simply ask that it be done in a manner that honors and serves the other people in the room
Urbana House of Prayer
Urbana House of Prayer
- Urbana, OH
Director: Daniel Clarkson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 937-441-5974
35 Monument Square
Urbana, OH 43078
Youngstown State University - Revamped
Youngstown State University - Revamped
- Youngstown, OH
Email: [email protected]
Youngstown, OH