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Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Ohio. If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added, please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page. We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.

BellHOP - Bellbrook House of Prayer
BellHOP - Bellbrook House of Prayer - Bellbrook, OH

Category: Prayer House
Director: Michael Sabin
Phone: 937-305-8042

26 N West St
Bellbrook, OH 45305

Answering the Global Call2All BellHoP began in February 2009 by taking a step toward ?Day & Night Prayer?. We are joining others in the Miami Valley ? Greater Dayton Area of Ohio by networking together with other houses of prayer to cover our region with 24/7 prayer coverage.

BellHoP is a multi-ministry mission house of prayer with a co-mission to fulfill the Great Commandment & the Great Commission. Join us on the 1st 3rd & 5th Sundays of each month between 6:00 - 9:00 PM for INTERCESSORY WORSHIP as we weave Prophetic Worship with Intercessory Prayer
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Cincinnati House of Prayer
Cincinnati House of Prayer - West Chester, OH

Category: Prayer House
Phone: 513-942-3892

22 Carnegie Way
West Chester, OH 45246

The Cincinnati House of Prayer is a cross-denominational community of believers that exists to provide a place for lovesick worshipers to pour out their hearts in prayer and worship to God on behalf of themselves, their community, city, country and world. It?s a place where the first commandment, to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, is put into practice, resulting in outward expressions of loving your neighbor as yourself. At C-HOP, we are trying, in the grace of God, to establish a place where prayer and worship continue non-stop. We are inviting any Christian fellowship in the Cincinnati area to join with us. We desire to see a unified, citywide voice that reaches before God asking for His Kingdom and His will to come to this city and region. In so doing, the ?justice? promised in Luke 18 will be realized quickly.
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Clark State Community College - Clark State Prayer Furnace

Clark State Community College - Clark State Prayer Furnace - Springfield, OH
Category: Luke18Project Email:
Springfield, OH
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Columbus HoP - Columbus, OH
Category: Prayer House

1673 Karl Ct
Columbus, OH 43229

Why CoHOP?


To build onto the Lord a 24/7 House of Prayer (prayer, revival, and justice center) after the order of the Tabernacle of David, where intercessory worship will ascend night and day onto the Throne Room of God until He makes Columbus, OH a praise in the earth. (Lk 18:6; Is 56:7; Is 62:6; Acts 15:15, Rev 8)

- To unite the Church of Jesus Christ in Columbus OH through Prayer/Intercession to return and fulfill the first and great commandment, thus being truly empowered to fulfill the second commandment. (Ps 133;

- To see a true Holy Ghost awakening and revival in the city, causing the young and the old to become fascinated and captivated by the awesome beauty of the Lord through intimate worship and intercession.

- To see the harvest of souls in our communities, especially in the Muslim community of our city through intercession and works of justice so that the Lamb that was slain will receive the reward of His suffering

- To effectively and adequately prepare the Church for the Second coming of our Bridegroom King through intimate worship, prayer, and teaching on Jesus? Endtime battle plan for His bride
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Dayton S.H.O.P. - Student HoP
Dayton S.H.O.P. - Student HoP - Beavercreek, OH

Category: Prayer House
Director: Jack & Jenn McComas
Phone: 937.431.1460

3822 Knollwood Dr.
Beavercreek, OH 45432

If...my people, my God-defined people, respond by humbling themselves, praying,
seeking my presence, and turning their backs on their wicked lives, Ill be there ready for you: Ill listen from heaven, forgive their sin and restore their land to health.

From now on Im alert day and night to the prayers offered in this place.
II Chronicles 7:14-15
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Faith Hope Love House of Prayer
Faith Hope Love House of Prayer - Columbus, OH

Category: Prayer House
Director: Priscilla Wan
Phone: 614-859-5FHL

4983 Postlewaite Rd., Columbus, OH 43235
Columbus, OH 43235

The vision of Faith Hope Love is to build a family of believers who live out the first and second commandment by keeping the sanctuary (prayer room), missions and living in committed community with one another.
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Greater Toledo HoP
Greater Toledo HoP - Toledo, OH

Category: Prayer House
Director: Lloyd & Denise Emerine

723 S. Byrne Rd.
Toledo, OH 43609

Who We Are

The Greater Toledo House of Prayer is an intercessory based ministry where individual believers and church teams commit two hours weekly to an assigned time, for the purpose of prayer and worship. Meetings are focused on touching the Fathers heart to unlock the door to His presence. We believe the spiritual climate of our region will only be changed under the banner of unity. The church together on her knees in true repentance, will lead to revival that will transform a city and many cities transformed, will transform a nation.

GTHOP is a ministry serving the Greater Toledo Area. The vision is to be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any person or group desiring to come and worship/pray His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We are asking God to fulfill His promise and give the nations of the earth to Jesus as His inheritance. Come and join us as we seek breakthrough, city transformation, and revelation of Jesus Christ in the earth
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Hope City House of Prayer
Hope City House of Prayer - Columbus, OH

Category: Prayer House
Director: Brian Williams
Phone: 614-600-9557

3330 El Paso
Columbus, OH 43204

We are a community of worshipers who are lovesick for Jesus, organized as a city church in Columbus, OH. We are functioning towards becoming a 24/7 house of prayer with a mandate to serve as an urban missions bas
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IHOP -Canton
IHOP -Canton - North Canton, OH

Category: Prayer House
Director: MARK ENGEL

2001 29th St
North Canton, OH 44709


To raise up a generation of worshipping intercessors and prophetic, anointed messengers who give themselves in a lifestyle of devoted intimacy with Jesus to advance Christs Kingdom through revival in the Church and a great harvest of souls among the nations.

The Prayer Room is the heart and soul of Restoration House Ministries International. Our times of corporate intercessory worship are designed to reflect the pattern of the Tabernacle of David (1 Chronicles 22-24). Our ultimate goal is to come to the place where the worship and intercession of the prayer room continues night and day (24/7) without ceasing.

The prayer room is designed primarily for corporate intercession. While an intercessor may pray for any burden God has placed on their heart, you will find us consistently praying for:

Renewal for pastors and ministry leaders
Revival in city/regional churches
Transformation of our city/region
City, State and National Government leaders
Fruitful evangelism locally and among the nations
Youth to be raised up as a unique "Forerunner" generation
Justice issues (abortion; ethnic reconciliation; human trafficking, etc.)
Unity in the Body of Christ
Healing for the sick
Participants may actively engage in these times of energetic intercession by singing along with the worship team, by praying on the microphone for a corporate burden which may involve our region or believers worldwide, by praying a short 30-45 second prayer along with numerous others during one of our "rapid fire prayer" cycles focused on a specific theme and/or by praying with others who may wish to participate in a small group prayer time.

Visitors and participants may choose to be in the prayer room to read their Bible, study, write in a journal or quietly pray while immersed in an atmosphere of worship. While in the prayer room you may sit, stand or pace in the back. However you engage, we simply ask that it be done in a manner that honors and serves the other people in the room
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LoveOSU - Columbus, OH

Category: Prayer House
Phone: 614-638-6870

43 W 10th Ave
Columbus, OH 43201

The vision is simple really. A campus transformed. We want to see the Ohio state university turned upside down with the kingdom of Jesus ? the life of Jesus. We want to see the church of Jesus ? God?s people ? alive and active. A body unified in prayer and mission, living love loud for the renown of their God and King.
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Ohio House of Prayer
Ohio House of Prayer - Cincinatti, OH

Category: Prayer Network
Phone: 513-942-389
Cincinatti, OH


The Ohio House of Prayer is a non-denominational network of people and ministries that are members of the Body of Christ dedicated to honoring Christ and His Church. We believe that as members of His Body we are privileged to serve our Lord, as the Head, and His extraordinarily diverse Body; the Church.


To network the Prayer Movement in Ohio for the purpose of advancing God?s Kingdom and bringing transformation to all generations through 24/7 prayer and justice.


The simple answer is that Jesus is worthy! King David was a man after God?s own heart. How did he express that? One major way was that David commanded the Ark of the Covenant to be placed in a tent and appointed 4,288 singers and musicians to minister before the Lord, ?to make petition, to give thanks and to praise the Lord? day and night (1 Chronicles 15:1-17:27). The Bible says the end times will be characterized by the restoration of the Tabernacle of David (Amos 9:11). We believe and have seen God doing just that. All across the world (and in Ohio) there is an unprecedented prayer revival sweeping every nation. Virtually every major city has a house of prayer


If you would like to get connected with a HOP in your city, please visit our Hops page for website and contact information in your area
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Ohio Reformation Prayer Network
Ohio Reformation Prayer Network - MIddletown, OH

Category: Prayer Network
Phone: 513.424.7150

6927 Lefferson Road
MIddletown, OH 45044


Welcome to the Ohio Reformation Prayer Network, a division of the United States Reformation Prayer Network
The United States Reformation Prayer Network was birthed through prophetic intercession. Cindy Jacobs, an internationally known and respected prophetic voice in our generation has been seeking the Lord for direction on how we as the Body of Christ are to disciple nations in these exciting times we are living in. Last September, she heard the Lord speak to her about picking up the strategic prayer network again. On the very same day, Chuck Pierce, who had been leading the US Global Apostolic Prayer Network, heard the Lord say to him to lay down the prayer network!

We are both thrilled and honored to be working with the national leadership of the United States Reformation Prayer Network as we coordinate and facilitate these national objectives at the state level. In addition to Cindy Jacobs, the Ohio Reformation Prayer Network will also be working closely with Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets. Working under this national leadership will provide a strong 3-fold cord that will allow us to stand strong in unity and authority in order to effectively intercede for reformation in our state and nation
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Springfield House of Prayer
Springfield House of Prayer - Springfield, OH

Category: Prayer House
Director: Derek Ellis
Phone: 19373423632

616 Limestone St
3rd floor
Springfield, OH 45503

Dedicated to praying for our city and the world and glorifying Jesus.

"A city transformed through 24/7 prayer and worship".

We are not full time yet. please see the website for hours of operation!
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The Cleveland House of Prayer
The Cleveland House of Prayer - Cleveland, OH

Category: Prayer House
Phone: 440-427-1677

8870 Brookpark Road
Cleveland, OH 44129

The Cleveland House Of Prayer is a city-wide prayer ministry in Greater Cleveland. Our mission and purpose is to build enjoyable prayer meetings that eventually become 24/7 in operation. We will accomplish this by gathering teams of intercessors and worshipers from Greater Cleveland and situate them into two-hour prayer slots, one after the other. God deserves prayer and worship that is unending. God receives unceasing praise in heaven. He hears and enjoys Clevelands worship also, and soon it will be never ending
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The House at Emerging Streams
The House at Emerging Streams - Stryker, OH

Category: Prayer House
Phone: (419) 682-0002

22754 Co Rd B5
Stryker, OH 43557

The House @ Emerging Streams ...a HOP in the cornfields....24/7
24/7 House Of Prayer
General Information
We are committed to prayer, worship, the Scriptures, healing, prophecy, fasting and the Great Commission. It is through night and day prayer that evangelism will be most effective as we believe God to fulfill the Great Commission. We want to train up a generation to stand in the midst of persecution and boldly proclaim the Word of God
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Urbana House of Prayer

Urbana House of Prayer - Urbana, OH
Category: Prayer House Director: Daniel Clarkson
Phone: 937-441-5974

35 Monument Square
Urbana, OH 43078
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Wilmington House of Prayer
Wilmington House of Prayer - Wilmington, OH

Category: Prayer House
Director: Larry & Robyn Morris
Phone: 937-829-2980

63 W. Main St.
Wilmington, OH 45177

The Wilmington House of Prayer facilitates Burn 24/7 "A Community Prayer Room" in the downtown business district of Wilmington; providing a place where the Living Stones of The Church of Wilmington come together 24/7 reaching Upward to God and Outward to the Community through Worship and Prayer. Currently there are 11 congregations working with us to cover our community in night and day prayer
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Yahweh House of Prayer
Yahweh House of Prayer - McConnelsville, OH

Category: Prayer House
Director: Mike Smallwood, Glenn Mellott
Phone: 7406240447

2910 E ST RT 60 NE
McConnelsville, OH 43756

God has made us to be Priest.(Revelation 1:6&Revelation 5:10&1Peter 2:9)we are not priest who minister to carnal men, but who minister to God in the Holy Place.God is rebuilding the tabernacle of David (Amos 9:11&Acts 15:16&17). This means He is again establishing Day and Night Prayer accompanied by singers and musicians. God is raising up His Church as a Holy Spirit empowered worship and prayer movement as his first line of defense against the demonic prayer movement in the last days(Rev 13). As the church comes into agreement with who Jesus is and what He is going to do, the worship and intercession of the saints in the End Times will release God?s judgment against the Anti-Christ?s world empire and usher in the second coming of Jesus, and the establishing of His Millennial Kingdom from Jerusalem. It will be the most powerful and effective Revolution in history (Rev. 22:17; 5:8;8:4; Lk. 18:7-8; Ps.29; 149; Isa. 24:14-16; 26:8-9; 42:10-13; 62:6-7; Joel 2:12-17, 32; Zeph.2:1-3 etc.) THIS IS NOT CHURCH BUSINESS AS USUAL!!!
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Yahweh House of Prayer - Zanesville, OH
Category: Prayer House
Director: Samantha and Glenn Mellott
Phone: 7406240447

2865 Pioneer Cir
Zanesville, OH 43756
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YHOP - Youngstown House of Prayer
YHOP - Youngstown House of Prayer - Lowellville, OH

Category: Prayer House
Director: Julie Loncar
Phone: 330-536-2127

3899 McCartney Rd
Lowellville, OH 44436

Each month we gather together at our World Prayer Center to pursue the heart of God and call forth the things of Heaven. We call these nights "Pursuit Nights". The World Prayer Center is a building located at Victory Christian Center near Youngstown, Ohio. The prayer center is also open every day 7am-9pm for anyone to come and have their personal prayer time. Everyone is welcome!

We meet every 3rd Friday of the month at 7pm. Join us!
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Youngstown State University - Revamped

Youngstown State University - Revamped - Youngstown, OH
Category: Luke18Project Email:
Youngstown, OH
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