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Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Nevada.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.

Grace City House of Prayer
- Las Vegas, NV
Director: Dave Earley
Email: [email protected]
8625 S. Spencer St.
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Jesus severely rebuked the people of God for failing to be a house of prayer for all nations (Mark 11: 17; Isaiah 56:7).
Grace City is becoming known for our emphasis on being a house of prayer for all nations by building a prayer culture and creating a prayer movement that will impact an entire city. We practice Word-fed, Spirit-led, and Worship-based corporate prayer Monday through Thursday from 9 to 10:30am. We also worship and pray together on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:15 AM. Last week, we added an 11 to 11:30am session on the campus of UNLV. This week we will hold nightly sessions from 7 to 8:15 PM. Currently, two dozen people join us daily to give thanks, read the Word, pray it back to God, worship, listen to God, confess sin, proclaim God?s kingdom and authority, pray for one another, and intercede for our city.
No two prayer sessions are alike because they are led by a leader or leaders who are listening to the Holy Spirit and trying to follow His lead. As a result, people have been saved, healed, and delivered from strong demons during our prayer times.
We have come to understand that everything we do should be done in the atmosphere of the presence of God and flow from our lives of prayer. It is through daily worship and prayer that we are able to live God-centered lives and cooperate with Jesus in building a God-centered church in Sin City that can kick down the gates of Hell (Matthew 16:18-20; Matthew 18:18-20
Las Vegas House of Prayer
- Las Vegas, NV
Director: Leonard & Genise Jarman
Phone: (702) 323-4500
860 E Twain Ave
Unit 130 Las Vegas, NV 89169
The Las Vegas House of Prayer is an initiative of WTRWAY?a nonprofit ministry organization by Leonard & Genise Jarman?in collaboration with Nevada House of Prayer and local community partners. It is a "living room" space for continuous art and intercession right in the heart of the city.
The heart of WTRWAY is to bring the River of God directly into the dry places in our city, from bars, to street corners, to strip malls and everywhere in between. To that end, WTRWAY has launched LVHOP as a place for Jesus presence to dwell right in the middle of one of the roughest areas in the city, a strategic epicenter of intercession intertwined with the arts and creativity, and a unification point for ministries across the Vegas valley and beyond.
Nevada State NDP
, NV
Now you can connect with other believers throughout our State (& in your region, county or city) and begin to share with them in various ways (i.e., live chat, photos, videos, websites and documents), plan & host various planning and prayer events (for your region, county or city) and form various types of groups with the united purpose of mobilizing Prayer for the next National Day of Prayer.
The First Step is to join your Region, County and/or City Group (if you havent done so already), so that you can meet with other believers for prayer (at a local coffee shop, restaurant or home) or plan & take a prayer-drive (throughout your region, county or city). Within your group, you can send messages to the entire group and participate in online group discussions and then go to the Events Page, to post an Event and invite others to join you (who will then RSVP so that you can track who is, who is not and who may be coming). As you pray together, God will begin to show you even more ways to pray for your City, County, Region, State & America.
The Second Step is to post "prayer" Photos & Videos that would be an encouragement to other believers, as well as start state-wide, region-wide, county-wide & city-wide discussions on the Forum page about your prayer life and how God has changed your life & community through prayer. Begin to testify to the power of prayer and what God has done in response to your obedience to Him!
The Third Step is to Invite other believers that you already know, who have a passion for praying for America. After they have accepted your invitation to become a member of this online community, encourage them to also become an official National Day of Prayer Coordinator for your Region, County, City and/or Church & to post their local event on our national website, so that others throughout your community will know about it. You will also discover even more Information & Resources at our national website that have been prepared to help you pray for America!
The Fourth Watch
The Fourth Watch
- Las Vegas, NV
Director: Michelle Hutchinson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 951-213-1756
Las Vegas, NV
4th watch corporate worship and intersession between the hours of 3-5am.
Click here for a complete listing of Houses of Prayer
Submit a new listing here.