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New Jersey
Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in New Jersey.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.

Candlelight Prayer House
- Stratford, NJ
Director: Shanna McIntyre
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 856 435-1771
2 West Laurel Rd.
Stratford, NJ 08084
Our purpose is to facilitate 24/7 intercession and worship, ushering in Gods Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
We have times of:
Soaking-A personal, quiet prayer time, set aside for basking in the presence of God and personal intercession.
Intercessory Prayer-A time of corporate prayer with rapid-fire, 15-20 second prayers, focused on specific prayer points.
Open Worship-A time of active worship with live or pre-recorded music.
Candlelight Prayer House also hosts Healing Room of Camden County the 1st Friday of every month from 7-9pm. For more information Like us on Facebook @healingroomcamdencounty or email at [email protected]

IHOP Eastern Gate
- Cranford, NJ
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (908) 272-8060
950 Raritan Road
Cranford, NJ
Welcome to IHOP:EG
Welcome to the International House Of Prayer Eastern Gate! The IHOP:EG Missions Base is a House of Prayer which is being built as a day and night prayer ministry, serving the body of Christ in the metro NY/NJ region fashioned in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David.
The Prayer Room is a place for individual and corporate prayer and worship. Join musicians, singers, and prayer intercessors in different types of Prayer Sets structured in two hour time blocks throughout the day. There are various Prayer Room Expressions or ways to participate, including praying for prayer requests at The Wailing Wall, Sunday Expression, Healing Rooms, Prophecy Rooms, and more!
We invite you to explore the web site to learn more and then choose a time to experience it for yourself by coming to one of the prayer sets held throughout the week (see the prayer room schedule) or other events sponsored by IHOP:EG. Check out the location and contact information
Praise-House of Prayer for All Nations
Praise-House of Prayer for All Nations
- Egg Harbor Township, NJ
Director: Mary-Ellen Petitt
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 609-927-4560
2235 Ocean Heights Avenue
Egg Harbor Township, NJ
Burning 12-24 hours every 4th Friday until we reach 24/7
Shore House of Prayer
- South Toms River, NJ
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 732-244-3888
1 South Main Street
South Toms River, NJ 08757
S-HOP (Shore House of Prayer) is a place where any and all can gather to meet with God, bringing both their love and their needs to him, listening to hear his voice, and resting in his presence.
At the heart of S-HOP are worship teams appointed both day and night to bring worship and prayer together before God, modeled after the tabernacle of David (1 Chr. 16-25) and the worship in heaven (Rev. 4; 5) This means that, in our times before the Lord, we carry both the harp (worship) and the bowls of incense (prayer), because something amazing happens when these two join. And as with Israel in the time of King David, the long-term vision of S-HOP is to have worship and prayer going on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Click here for a complete listing of Houses of Prayer
Submit a new listing here.