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New Hampshire
Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in New Hampshire.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.

Prayer Furnace
- Salem, NH
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 978-202-5927
70 N Broadway
Salem, NH 03079
Intimacy with Jesus
Intimacy with Jesus is our ultimate reward and calling
24/7 Worship and Prayer
With an unending chorus of worship and ceaseless prayer, we desire to minister to the Lord day and night and to cry out for ?speedy justice? (Luke 18) from one geographical location. In essence, our desire is to move beyond normal prayer meetings to inspire and nurture a culture of prayer (Isaiah 56:7).
The Scriptures: The Word of God
The Bible is the eternal (Matt 24:35), infallible (Psalm 12:6), unhindered (2 Tim 2:9), and inspired (2 Timothy 3:16) Word of God and as such, we desire to search out the Scriptures to better understand them and apply them to our lives.
Unity of the Body
At the foundation of the Prayer Furnace we felt the Lord lead us into intercession for the Church based on the words of Jesus to His people (Revelation 2-3). The power of any lasting move of God will only be sustained if we are unified, and then the blessing will come (Psalm 133). Our endeavor is to see us ?all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ? (Ephesians 4:13)
Prayer for Leaders and Authorities
Interceding ?for kings and all those in authority? (1Timothy 2:1-3) is a priority. We desire to bless our leaders and pray that righteousness will exalt our nation (Prov 14:34)
Consecrated Lifestyle
Like John the Baptist, we desire to live a fasted lifestyle because of our devotion to the Bridegroom, Jesus. Thus, we voluntarily refuse the legitimate pleasures of this world (Numbers 6) for the extreme pleasure of knowing God (Psalm 16). This passion for Jesus is born not of legalism, but out of lov
The Kings Chamber
- Brentwood, NH
Director: Allan Cook
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (603) 642-7848
263 Route 125
Brentwood, NH 03833
"Prayer is not overcoming Gods reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness." - Martin Luther
The Vision:
1. To call forth, train, and mobilize intercessors to live a life of prayer as they preach the gospel, heal the sick, help the needy, make disciples, and seek to bring transformation to society; to make it our aim to personally live as fully devoted disciples of Jesus, who operate in the forerunner spirit.
2. To establish a gathering corporately to fast and pray, because we recognize this as essential to establishing justice in society.
3. To train others to plant houses of prayer, churches, and/or marketplace ministries as the Spirit leads.

The Pinnacle Prayer Mountain
- North Sutton, NH
Director: John Paul Jackson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 603.526.7494
250 Chalk Pond Road
North Sutton, NH 03260
The Pinnacle Mountain is 89 acres of wooded hilltop nestled in the beautiful town of Sutton, NH. The name "the Pinnacle" was given to this property long before we arrived and it can be seen as such on various maps, although it remains a mystery to us how it received this name. The Pinnacle is not the highest hill in the area, though from its summit one can see neighboring Kearsarge Mt. and Mt. Monadnock (near Keene, NH). The Pinnacle, we now know, is significant for other reasons.
All throughout scripture God chose mountains- some small and some large- to move upon and make Himself known to His people. All creation has been designed by God with purpose. We believe the purpose of the Pinnacle is to be a sanctuary for God and a light house for the nation. It is not the only one, but a significant one. A light house guides people to a safe place. In this case, it is guiding people to the house of God.
The Pinnacle is a thin place- a section of land where it seems that the heavens are closer than in other places. For many years this was exploited as the local witchcraft community used the Pinnacle for their rituals. Even they understood it was a significant and supernatural place. Therefore, when we took ownership of the land the occult members were not happy. They tore down the cross we had placed on the top and constantly set up their unholy altars. On the other hand, we kept tearing down their altars and over time, took this high place back. We have had no sign of the occult for many years now.
Now, we see God releasing the Pinnacle into its purpose. Weve known its purpose for several years, but today, we are beginning to see that purpose come about! We now have prayer and worship services on the Mountain five nights a week and are also holding our Sunday morning services there. We have already been given new insights and perspectives on prayer and worship and we believe that as we give attention to the Pinnacle, more will come
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