Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Missouri.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.

Bethany House of Prayer
- Jamestown, MO
Phone: 6608415700
15663 Graff Drive
Jamestown, MO 65046
?you will do the work of David and Solomon in one generation? you will worship and lead many into worship?? [Excerpt from a prophetic word given by Jane Williams in February 2004]
Bethany House of Prayer is called to, 24/7 worship unto God. God?s pattern for this house of prayer is in the likeness of the tent of David. God is restoring worship as stated in Amos 9:11 ? In that day I will raise up the fallen tent [booth] of David.? As we agree with Him, ?His will be done on earth as it is in heaven?, the replication of Heavenly Worship around His Throne, never ending never ceasing, will be established here on earth before He returns for His bride. Bethany House of Prayer is committed to partner with God and are devoted to give Him all the glory and honor and praise for He is worthy.
On Earth
Practically speaking we are to equip, train, raise, and send the saint?s for the ministry. The desire of Bethany House of Prayer is to identify musicians and singers as purified, sanctified, consecrated vessels unto God, to stand in a place of worship. Ministering to God by pouring out their oil of adoration, exultation, and praise unto Him with love songs from their heart. To respond to God?s Heart with intimacy and prayer

CrossRoads House of Prayer
- Joplin, MO
Director: Daryl Billings
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 417-438-1325
4715 Newman Rd.
Joplin, MO 64801
CrossRoads International House of Prayer is a four state area-wide interdenominational prayer ministry, serving the body of Christ for the past 7 years. This ministry is modeled after the Tabernacle of David with singers and musicians being released to lead corporate intercession and worship. Our desire is not to be a church; it is to be a prayer center that is open to as many hours as possible in order to cover our region with corporate prayer.
We have started with small beginnings and are confident that this ministry will grow until a 24-hour House of Prayer and Worship is established, where we can gaze upon the beauty of Jesus day and night. It is also our plan to establish three healing rooms where the sick can come and get prayer then sit and soak in the presence of the Lord.
Our facility is located at 4715 E. Newman Rd, Joplin, MO 64801, by MSSU campus. For a map and directions to our facility, visit our Location page.
Our property has 2 buildings on 5 acres, with a nice pond with shrubbery and wildflowers surrounding two sides. We have plans to build a prayer path around the pond and perimeter of the property with places for people to walk, pray, meditate or simply enjoy the beauty of God?s creation. God has given us the opportunity to be expressive in our prayers and worship to Hi

World Network of Prayer
- Hazelwood, MO
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 314-837-7300
8855 Dunn Road
Hazelwood, MO 63042
What is the World Network of Prayer?
The World Network of Prayer is a center for receiving and distributing prayer needs among our fellowship. It is to provide the prayer agenda for producing the power of agreement. It also serves as a resource center for individuals as well as local church prayer leaders.
The World Network of Prayer?s office is at the World Evangelism Center in Hazelwood, Missouri, where prayer requests are received by telephone, mail, website or e-mail. The requests are then included on a weekly prayer request list that goes to over 5,000 prayer warriors/groups.
Since WNOP was introduced in 1995, it has distributed over a million prayer guides and now has 131 national prayer coordinators and 45 district coordinators.
Who is the World Network of Prayer?
In addition to leaders and intercessors who receive our weekly and urgent requests, the World Network of Prayer staff includes Flo Shaw, WNOP?s International Coordinator and Lisa Marshall, WNOP?s Strategic Prayer Coordinator