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Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Indiana.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.
IWU Prayer Furnace
- Marion, IN
Email: [email protected]
4201 S. Washington St.
Marion, IN 46953
Indiana Wesleyan University
The Prayer Furnace is a sacred space on Indiana Wesleyans main campus, set apart for those desiring to cultivate lives of both personal and corporate prayer.
This intentional atmosphere of 24/7 prayer and worship provides a place for students, faculty, and members of the surrounding Marion community to spiritually rest, intercede, and press into the presence of God together

- Terre Haute, IN
Director: Lawrence & Michele Urlick
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 469-226-3303
1704 S 8th Street
Terre Haute, IN 47802
We are a medley of followers of Jesus from various churches, ministries, and denominations who come together in corporate worship-based prayer. We are not a local church, but serve as a common ground for all believers who share the eternal bond of faith in Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to promote unity in the body of Christ by bringing glory to God with one voice and one heart through biblically inspired, enjoyable worship-based prayer.
Biblically inspired prayer and worship unifies our hearts with God?s eternal perspective. Our faith is strengthened and our hope is renewed as we give our complete devotion to God, understanding that He hears and answers our prayers according to the promises in His Word. Time spent engaging with the Holy Spirit in prayer and in God?s Word has the power to transform our hearts. In this, we become more like Jesus in shining the light of His love and helping others to find and follow Him!
God is raising up a global prayer movement that is fueling an unprecedented increase in missions unto the fulfillment of the Great Commission. As part of this movement, we are here to join the world-wide body of Christ in day and night prayer, proclaiming the Gospel
of Jesus Christ to every nation until He returns!
? The Prayer Room - A space dedicated to those seeking an opportunity to participate in worship-based prayer (harp & bowl) gatherings.
? The Pursuit: Experience Him - A season of committed devotion in the prayer room to seek the heart of God with others through biblically centered worship-based prayer.
? Workshops - Interactive classes designed to help cultivate a lifestyle of encountering God through prayer and worship.
? Taste & See Experience - Mobile prayer and worship teams that are sent out to inspire the Body of Christ and shine the love of Christ in our community.
? Unity in the Body of Christ
? Revival in the Church and national awakening
? The fulfillment of the Great Commission
? The restoration of Israel and the salvation of the Jews
? The visible return of Jesus and His reign on the earth from Jerusalem
? Attend one of our worship-based prayer gatherings!
? Sign up for our next workshop!
? Unplug from life as usual and plug into God by registering for The Pursuit!
? Sign up to volunteer in the Prayer Room!
? Ask your pastor about inviting us to bring a mobile team for a Taste & See Experience or to speak to your congregation about enjoyable worship-based prayer!
University of Southern Indiana - HOPE
University of Southern Indiana - HOPE
- Evansville, IN
Email: [email protected]
Evansville, IN

Wabash Valley HoP
- Terre Haute, IN
Director: Marvin Adams
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 812-232-6700
3537 S. 3rd Place
Terre Haute, IN 47802
WVIHOP Directors Marvin and Sally Adams moved to the Wabash Valley in May 2008 and officially launched WVIHOP in July 2008 with our Friday evening DESIRE MORE prayer gathering for the region. The Adams have been leading in the prayer movement for over 10 years and in full-time ministry for almost 20 years. After ministering in Chicago for a number of years, they moved to Kansas City in 1998 and ended up helping launch IHOP-KC. In 1999 they moved back to Chicago and in 2000 planted the house of prayer in downtown Chicago and directed there until 2006. In 2006 they movedback to Kansas City to join the leadership team of IHOP-KC where Marvin helped direct the Forerunner Music Academy. In 2008, Marvin and Sally felt the leading of the Lord to move to the Terre Haute region to sow into the prayer movement in the Wabash Valley.
Our vision from the Lord is to be a community of believers committed to God, each other, and to establish a day and night sustained house of prayer in the Wabash Valley where we stand as a perpetual solemn assembly gathering corporately to fast and pray with the same mandate King David received: a tabernacle of God?s continual abiding.
At WVIHOP, we are committed to prayer, fasting, the Great Commission, and to living as forerunners, preparing for the unique dynamics of the end times. The work of our ministry includes equipping and sending out missionaries as dedicated intercessors and evangelists who work to see revival within the Church and a harvest among those searching for God. We take seriously the mandate to train believers to love Jesus and others wholeheartedly as together we go forth to preach the Word, heal the sick, serve the poor, plant houses of prayer, and proclaim the return of Jesus across the earth.
Click here for a complete listing of Houses of Prayer
Submit a new listing here.