Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Illinois.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.
Crossroads Coffeehouse/ Crossroads House of Prayer
- Mendota, IL
Director: Cathy Wolf
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 8152526641
Mailing: 229 Knox Road, Mendota, IL 61342
CoffeeHouse on listed dates: 1901 Tom Merwin Drive Mendota, IL Mendota, IL 61342
We are rural small town ministry believing in the necessity and power of prayer. Our ministry began in the fall of 2009 with coffeehouses/prayer one Friday of the month. Please check our website for coffeehouse dates. We also welcome worship/music ministries to schedule a date and come to one of our coffeehouses!
Crossroads also takes the prayer shift every Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Please e-mail or call for weekly location).
Some of our Focus: Healing, Workplace Ministry, Strip-club Ministry, Adoption

Decatur House of Prayer
- Decatur, IL
Phone: 217-433-0486
237 E. Maryland Heights Rd.
Decatur, IL 62526
Decatur House of prayer has been designed to reflect the tabernacle of David (1 Chr. 22?24); it is a place where we worship the Lord and intercede for our world. Each one hour period is led by a worship team. There is worship and a time of intercessory prayer where we pray for our city, state and nation. We pray for our youth and families as well.
All are welcome to come and go freely and to stay in the prayer room as long as they like. While in the prayer room, feel free to join in with the corporate worship and prayer, read your Bible, study a favorite commentary, write in your journal, or engage in private prayer. You may sit, stand, or pace up and down the aisles. Whatever you do, we ask that you do it in a manner that honors and serves the other people in the room
Moravian House of Prayer
- Caledonia, IL
Director: Philip Anderson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 815-566-7911
5404 Paulson Rd.
Caledonia, IL 61011
Serving the Region with Night and Day Prayer According to David
Promoting A Culture Of 24/7 Connection With God
Moravian House of Prayer is a community of believers committed to helping establish 24/7 prayer and worship in the Northern IL region.

River Rock House of Prayer
- Rockford, IL
1300 17th St.
Rockford, IL
Our Vision
Night and Day Prayer According to David . . . 1 Chr 28:19
Our Mission
R2HOP exists to passionately engage believers in perpetual worship and intercession as described by King David?to foster intimacy, to agree with God as it touches the Rock River Valley and beyond, and to announce the fast approaching final hour of natural history.
Our Hearts
We have fallen desperately in love with Jesus, the bridegroom God. The revelation of His intense, fiery desire for us (Songs 8:5-7) has captured our hearts. His love for weak, immature and broken believers has fascinated us and propelled our hearts into passionate and intimate pursuit of relationship with Him. Lovers will always outdo doers!
Agreement With God
When we agree with who God is, we call this worship; and when we agree with Gods purposes, we call this intercession. We proclaim both in song and prayer (1 Chr 16:23-25). David commanded Asaph and his fellow Levites to do this continually (1 Chr 16:1-6).
God has promised to restore "all things David" in the last days (Acts 15:16-18), including Davids experience of worship and intercession. David brought the ark of Gods presence to Jerusalem and kept it in his tent (II Sam.6:17). He appointed 288 prophetic singers and 4000 musicians to worship and intercede before the Lord continuously? night and day (1 Chr. 23:5, 30; 25:1, 7).
Night and Day
Praying without ceasing is more than having a continual spirit of prayer (1 Thes 5:17). God intends to bring the church back to the reality of night and day worship and intercession as revealed to David (1 Chr 28:19) which he commanded his servants to keep (2 Chr 29:25).
Praying without ceasing is also about a community of believers that manage their lifestyles so that they can come together and engage in 24/7 intercessory worship
Springfield House of Prayer
- Springfield, IL
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 217-528-9780
624 S 4th St
Springfield, IL 62703
The International House of Prayer-Springfield is a mission base that consists of passionate followers of Christ pursuing spiritual change in the atmosphere of our city, state, nation and world through worship, fasting, prayer and outreach. We come from various churches and desire unity among believers. We represent all generations and stand up for generations yet to come. We believe that the Lord has planted us a few blocks from the state capitol and the governors mansion in order to pray for those in authority and to contend for righteousness and justice to be restored to our land.