Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Iowa.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.
Cherokee HoP
Cherokee HoP
- Cherokee, IA
Director: Pinky Person
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (712) 225- 6216
Cherokee, IA
Cherokee House of Prayer uses a prayer board each day to remember specific requests and for testimonies to answered prayer.
Pastor Pinky - "The Lord instructed me to resurrect the white board so we dont miss specific prayers for specific people and we are already reaping good reports from those we are praying for. Hallelujah to the King!
Creston Heartland HoP
Creston Heartland HoP
- Creston, IA
Director: James McCutchan
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 641.202.3233
107 N Maple St.
Creston, IA 50801
Schedule: Creston Heartland House of Prayer is currently in transition and therefore open at certain times, especially for specific events.
The CHHOP has been a ministry dedicated to the heart of prayer in the downtown area for people in authority such as the mayor, city council, police, and sheriff departments within the community. We have also broken down walls in the body of Christ, fulfilling the commands of Jesus, and have established a food bank for the people in need. One of our biggest desires is to have a transition program with the prison system in helping those coming out of jail to get re-established into the community

HOME - House of Missions and Equipping
- Sioux Center, IA
Director: Jen Sandbulte
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 712-722-PRAY
101 19th St. SW
Sioux Center, IA 51250
Vision: HOME exists to behold and burn. We BEHOLD the beauty of the Lord, which ignites our hearts to BURN for Him. We desire to foster and sustain a culture of prayer, worship, and discipleship leading to Kingdom service. (Psalm 27:4, Matthew 22:37-40, Romans 5:8)
Mission: To cultivate Kingdom culture, equipping others to live active prayer lives, to fully engage in worship, and to do Kingdom work throughout NW Iowa and the surrounding region.
Open Monday - Saturday 6am - 10pm | Sunday Ignite Service at 5pm

IHOPE House of Prayer
- Waterloo, IA
Director: Dr. Mike and Mary Jo Peters
Email: [email protected]
722 S. Hackett Rd
Waterloo, IA 50701
We are a company of people the Lord has called to seek His face in prayer and worship around the clock, similar to the first "house of prayer" - the Tabernacle of David - which was organized and paid for by King David in 1000 B.C. with over 4,000 musicians and 288 singers who were employed to worship God 24/7 (1 Chronicles 23:1?25:31).
At IHOPE House of Prayer Missions Base, we are committed to prayer, fasting, the Great Commission and works of justice as a lifestyle. The first commandment is our focus, and like John the Baptist, we are friends of the Bridegroom (John 3:29-30). We are partnering with the Holy Spirit to raise up and release missionaries that are dedicated intercessors who labor to see revival in the church, salvation among the lost and transformation in society. These friends of the Bridegroom are young and old men and women who are committed to seeing Jesus Kingdom break into every area of society by living a radical, wholehearted lifestyle (John 5:35; Luke 7:24-27).
Our vision is to prepare thousands of intercessory missionaries who are extravagant lovers of God and anointed deliverers of men. It is our desire to call this generation into the wilderness of prayer to cultivate a prophetic voice as forerunner messengers. Their lives and voices cry out, ?Prepare the way of the Lord!? We invite you to visit us online and in person. We invite you to join with us as we set our hearts to love God, serve Him without reservation, love others, and transform the Cedar Valley through night and day worship and intercession. To God be the glory
Iowa State University - Chi Alpha ISU
Iowa State University - Chi Alpha ISU
- Ames, IA
Email: [email protected]
Ames, IA
Muscatine House of Prayer
Muscatine House of Prayer
- Muscatine, IA
Director: Jim & Judy Noble
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (563)263-2595
Muscatine, IA
Northwestern College - Northwestern College
Northwestern College - Northwestern College
- Orange City, IA
Email: [email protected]
Orange City, IA
Okoboji House of Prayer
Okoboji House of Prayer
- Arnolds Park, IA
Director: Richard Porter
Email: [email protected]
Okoboji Conference Center
7 S Hwy 71 Arnolds Park, IA 51331
Sheldon House of Prayer
Sheldon House of Prayer
- Sheldon, IA
Director: Gary & Barb Hibma
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (712) 324-3387
4th Ave. and 9th St.
Sheldon, IA 51201
Daily 9am -5

The Ark - A Prayer Refuge
- Iowa City, IA
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (319) 931-6768
209 E Burlington St.
Iowa City, IA 52240
About the Ark
The Ark is a prayer room that can be used for prayer meetings, bible studies or personal time with God. The Ark is located in downtown Iowa City, across Burlington St. from the Sheraton Hotel, next to Elite Nails (209 E. Burlington St.). The back door has a code box with the key to lock and unlock the door. Simply email [email protected] to request the code.
Our vision is that the Ark would be a place of community, prayer and power. Community because we can do much more together than we can alone. Jesus prayed in John 17 that we would be one as He and the Father are one. Even though we have different functions and expressions in the Church, we are still called to function as one body. In our corporate gatherings, we strive to put priority on the edification of the assembly over our personal expressions and desires. We pray because we love Jesus! Prayer is a two-way conversation where we express our hearts to God and receive revelation and empowerment to be used effectively. Central to the concept of prayer is understanding what the Bible says God is like. If we have a wrong view of God, everything else in life will be affected so we talk to God about who He is and allow Him to reveal Himself to us through the Bible and the Holy Spirit. We walk in God?s power in order to bring about His kingdom right now wherever we are. This generation has little interest in religion and dogma so we allow God to use us so many lives can be changed by an encounter with a Living God. Ultimately, the vision of the Ark is to bring about a great awakening and revival in this generation that results in the return of Jesus to the earth

Waterloo HoP
- Waterloo, IA
Director: Michael and Mary Jo Peters
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (319) 830-5400
722 South Hacket Rd
Waterloo, IA 50701
Welcome the Cedar Valleys newest expression of Gods love. Since its beginning in 2002, IHOPE has proven to be a blessing to the people of the greater Cedar Falls and Waterloo area.
Two distinct arms of IHOPE are The House of Prayer and the Free Medical Clinic.
Our Mission
There are five principal ways we plan to honor our Lord Jesus Christ. We will...
Provide a place to experience the presence of the Lord in a deeper way. We are moving toward providing continuous worship and prayer 24/7. In addition to worship music and singing in The House of Prayer, there will be intercessory prayer and reading the word of God. All people in need are welcome.
Encourage a greater passion and intimacy with the Lord Jesus both individually and corporately.
Offer basic medical care to the poor, uninsured and underinsured of the Cedar Valley. This free medical clinic will be staffed by volunteer doctors and nurses who are concerned
Promote unity among the body of believers in the Cedar Valley. Many Christians join together to worship God and pray for their world, their nation, their city, their neighbors, their families and themselves.
Be a resource available to instruct the local body in worship and prayer. Conferences, guest speakers, prayer walks and events are all methods we will use to continue to spread the word of Gods faithfulness.
IHOPE Profile
IHOPE Ministries is a non-profit Christian church ministry. IHOPE stands for Intercession, Healing, Offerings to the Poor and Evangelism. It is governed by a Board of Directors which include the founder, Michael Peters and his wife Mary Jo Peters, area doctors, business leaders and people who have demonstrated a commitment to the IHOPE Mission.
Heres a letter from Mike introducing the organization
Yasha Ministries
- Sioux City, IA
Director: Shawn Lohry
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 712-258-0142
5015 Garretson Ave.
Sioux City, IA 51106
Yasha offers times of worship, teaching, equipping, and Sozo style prayer appointments, healing ministry, deliverance ministry and whatever else the Lord asks of us. We are open 4 days a week as Yasha, but also house 2 churches, a womens ministry and a Men of Valor ministry. Our schedule is easiest to find on Facebook at Yasha Ministry-Siouxland.
As the verb "yasha" it is translated as variations of the words: Heal, Save, Deliver, Avenge. The verb yasha also means, ?to help, to save, to receive, to accept help, to be victorious.?
When Yeshua comes, the rest of yasha is captured. Help brings victory. Victory brings salvation. In salvation we are avenged upon our enemies.
Yasha is a place to experience the healing only Jesus can provide.
Yasha is a place to pray and worship and learn how to be a lover of Jesus.
Yasha is a place to be equipped to minister to the saved and the Lost.
Yasha is a place to exercise spiritual gifts in an atmosphere of love for Jesus and for the Kingdom of God.
Yasha is a place to soak in the presence of Jesus.
Yasha is a place to pray for pastors and The Church in this region.
Yasha is a call to the Church in Siouxland to WAKE UP and join in the battle that is being waged for the souls of men and women in this region...God wants to save our families and our neighbors, our co-workers and total strangers that sleep under the bridge, people that huddle hungry in apartments and ethnic groups from all over the world that now call this region home! He wants to use us, His Bride, to invite them into fellowship with God through the provision Jesus made for them when He paid the price for their sins on the cross at Calvary.
To that end we train and equip healing room facilitators and worshipers. And we provide times of worship and intercession for the transformation of this region to the glory of Jesus.