Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Florida.
If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added,
please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page.
We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.
Alva House of Prayer
Alva House of Prayer
- Alva, FL
Director: Guy and Dawn O?Nea
Phone: 239-289-7397
18989 Parkinson Road
Alva, FL 33920
Casa de Oracion La Romana. IhopRomana
Casa de Oracion La Romana. IhopRomana
- La Romana, Dominican Republic, FL
Director: Elio and Joy Coradin
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 9543092310
To create a new culture of prayer and intercession with a Sacred Trust to be a blessing and instrument of Oneness to The Church in our region
La Romana, Dominican Republic, FL 33317
? Seek in reading and you will find in meditation;knock in prayer and it wil be opened to you in contemplation.
Isaiah 55:11
Charlotte County House of Prayer
- Port Charlotte, FL
Director: Rachel Struebing
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 941-625-4969
21500 Gibralter Dr.
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
CC-HOP is based off the Tabernacle of David. 24/7 Worship and Prayer.
General Information
The tabernacle of Daveid was a 24/7 worship and prayer furnace consisting of singers, musicians and intercessors who ministered before the Lord night and day. Jesus Says in Matthew (21:13), Mark (11:17), and Luke (19:46) that His house shall be called a house of prayer, quoting from the prophet Isaiah (56:7,8)
We believe the Lord is raising up His house of prayer all over the world. He is gathering people from all His church to cry out before Him day and night. We believe Charlotte County is called to be a part of this growning world wide.
One of the ways the Lord is making His beople joyful in the house of prayer is by the merging of worship (music, harp), the word and prayer. (Revelation 5:18)
The Lord is answering the prayer He taught His disciples in Matthew 6:10: "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in haeaven." by revealing what is happening in heaven 24/7 and causing it to be done here on earth. Revelation 4+5
First Coast House of Prayer
- St. Augustine, FL
Director: Dr. Paul T. Blake
Email: [email protected]
2800 N. 6th St
Unit 1-312 St. Augustine, FL 32084
God is raising up the First Coast House of Prayer in this strategic hour to address root problems in our nation. St. Augustine is the oldest city in our nation - a "gateway city" with a unique history that is often forgotten. At the First Coast House of Prayer, our focus is on the city of St. Augustine, the First Coast region of northeast Florida, and Israel.

Florida Prayer Network
- Tallahassee, FL
Director: Pam Olsen
Email: [email protected]
P.O. Box 14017
Tallahassee, FL 32317
FPNs Guiding Principles:
Since Florida Prayer Networks primary reason for existence is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to pray for revival in our state and nation, we have firm beliefs about both the Christian faith and the importance of prayer. These principles are drawn from the wisdom of the Bible and the Judeo-Christian ethic, rather than from the humanistic notions of todays theorists.
We believe that the ultimate purpose in living is to know and glorify God and to attain eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, beginning within our own families and then reaching out to a suffering humanity that does not know of His love and sacrifice.
We believe that the institution of marriage was intended by God to be a permanent, lifelong relationship between a man and a woman, regardless of trials, sickness, financial reverses or emotional stresses that may ensue.
We believe that children are a heritage from God and a blessing from His hand. We are therefore accountable to Him for raising, shaping and preparing them for a life of service to His Kingdom and to humanity.
We believe that human life is of inestimable worth and significance in all its dimensions, including the unborn, the aged, the widowed, the mentally handicapped, the unattractive, the physically challenged and every other condition in which humanness is expressed from conception to the grave.
We believe that God has ordained three basic institutions ? the family, the church and the government ? for the benefit of all humankind. The family exists to propagate the race and to provide a safe and secure haven in which to nurture, teach and love the younger generation. The church exists to minister to individuals and families by sharing the love of God and the message of repentance and salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. The government exists to maintain cultural equilibrium and to provide a framework for social order.
We believe that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman avails much and can bring about revival in our state and nation. Therefore FPN will work to network with others for the cause of Christ. Prayer does reach the heart of God and will make a difference in the family, in the church and in government
Frostproof House of Prayer
- Frostproof, FL
139 Bulldog Way
Frostproof, FL 33843
Located at 139 Bulldog Way, Frostproof, FL 33843, right across from the High School. We are very thankful to Pastor Kelly Galati and the Family Life Church family for allowing us to host FHOP and His Presence at their location. We pray that FHOP becomes a community outreach center that will minister the love of God to all. EVERYONE invited to participat

House of Prayer Exalted (HOPE)
- Palmetto, FL
Director: Deanna S. Brown
900 9th Ave.
East Lot #46 Palmetto, FL 34221
PRAYER is the spiritual line of communication between Christian believers and our God.
God revealed HOPE, House Of Prayer Exalted, to Deanna in a dream over twenty years ago. Many such facilities are being raised up all over the world. A Christian "House Of Prayer" may differ in design, structure and form, but the main purpose is to set apart a place where people, from all denominations, can enter into personal prayer requests with competent prayer partners, engage in intercessory prayer, make declarations and worship God. Many operate twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week either from a physical location or through telephone prayer lines or some form of media technology.
Our world is in tremendous turmoil; uncertainty and fear has griped the hearts and minds of many people today. It is only through genuine biblical prayer and worship that God is able to restore peace and hope to a generation. Knowing there is someone available 24/7 that will stand with you in times of trial brings much comfort to the hurting person. It is our hearts desire to offer this service of the Lord through HOPE, House Of Prayer Exalted.
We both have many years of Christian biblical study and hands on ministry. We have held several ministry leadership positions and have functioned as small group leaders. We have developed and served on several intercessory prayer teams. For four years we participated as prayer line phone counselors for a national television ministry.
William and Deanna Brown are licensed ministers of House Of Prayer Exalted, Inc. of Florida and function as a Ministry Connect under the Apostolic covering of Glory of Zion, Inc. of Texa
IHOP Ft Lauderdale
- Fort Lauderdale, FL
Director: Jennifer LeClaire
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 954-830-8455
201 Southeast 13th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
IHOP-Fort Lauderdale is community of believers committed first to pursuing intimacy with God. Our prophetic mandate is to establish a night and day house of prayer in the Fort Lauderdale MSA.
At IHOP?Fort Lauderdale, we are committed to prayer, fasting, and the Great Commission. As forerunners, we have keen understanding of the end-times and an eternal mindset?and both fuel our urgency to reach the lost even as we cry out for revival in South Florida. And as a missions base, our goal is to equip believers for the work of the ministry in this eleventh hour.
Like John the Baptist, we are humbly working to prepare the way of the Lord. We are committed to raising up apostolic messengers and prophetic intercessors who with an anointing to love God, love others and execute His will on the earth through day and night prayer and works of justice

IHOP Panama City
- Panama City, FL
Director: Susan Brasher
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 850-763-ihop(4467)
701 School Ave
Panama City, FL 32401
The Lord burdened the hearts of a remnant to build His house of prayer in Panama City. After answering the call, we began meeting at a local Methodist church on Friday and Sunday nights to begin building His mandate. We will not despise the small beginnings and praise God for placing it on the heart of the pastor of Springfield "New Lighted" Methodist Church to allow us to use the sanctuary as a temporary location. We follow the trail that was blazed before us in prayer and song using the IHOP model.
Global Day of Prayer is an annual prayer event which includes 10 days of 24 hour prayer. We started a Global Day of Prayer in Panama City and birthed out of the 10 day of 24 hour prayer a need for a 24/7 house of prayer in our city. After praying weekly for 3 years, the Lord finally made a way to implement the IHOP model at a local church. The more we gather to pray in this way, the more we increased in passion, desire, and zeal to see it come to fruition. While its not always easy, its always worth it. Attending the Calls and One Thing conferences just continues to repeatedly confirm Gods heart in this matter and that this is HIS desire and HIS heart and not ours. We firmly believe that although the numbers are small and the days are few, He WILL do what HE said He would do, make His name a praise in all the earth! We believe that this is the generation that will make a change in the world and among the church. We are urging all the young adults to start seeking God and going deeper with God because this is the end-times generation and it is time to start preparing for his second coming and through IHOP, many young people will be able to go deeper with God as some of our youth who just got back from the One Thing conference have. The prayer room must be driven and led by the young adults to draw their generation in and lead them to Christ so come on in young people! :

IHOP St Augustine
- St. Augustine, FL
Director: Michael and Holly Miller
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 904-806-1787
192 North Churchill Drive
St. Augustine, FL 32086
On May 7, 1999, the International House of Prayer Missions Base (IHOP?KC) was founded by Mike Bickle and 20 full-time ?intercessory missionaries? who cried out to God in prayer with worship for 13 hours each day. Four months later, on September 19, 1999, our prayer and worship expanded to the full 24/7 schedule. IHOP?KC is an evangelical missions organization that is committed to praying for the release of the fullness of God?s power and purpose as we actively win the lost, heal the sick, feed the poor, make disciples, and impact the seven spheres of society (family, education, government, economy, arts, media, and religion). Our vision is to work in relationship with the larger Body of Christ to serve the Great Commission, as we seek to walk out the two great commandments to love God and people.
On September 19, 2009, while celebrating our ten-year anniversary together, we made a sober commitment before God to combine 24/7 prayers for justice with 24/7 works of justice until the Lord returns. Outreach has always been a vital part of our mission. However, at that time, we set our heart to significantly increase our outreach and ministry to others outside our Missions Base. Thus, we are launching many new outreach ministries that will continue 24/7 alongside our 24/7 prayer and worship

Lakeland Prayer Network
- Lakeland, FL
Director: Fr. Wade Fahnestock
Phone: 863.397.3573
Lakeland, FL
The Lakeland Prayer Network is an effort to support and connect the various prayer initiatives, events, chapels and resources in the Lakeland area. It seeks to encourage everyone to pray, learn how to effectively pray, grow in prayer, and realize answers to prayer.
The Lakeland Prayer Network seeks to promote prayer and places of prayer with the web site, prayer seminars, community gatherings and personal prayer retreats. Recognizing that we are all actually "beginning to pray" and rely on the Lord to "teach us to pray," we will teach and offer prayer resources that are Christ-centered and come from the prayer traditions of the Church world-wide. Our emphasis will be on the "prayer of the sinner" vs. the "prayer of the publican" and "prayer in secret" vs. "prayer to show-off in front of others."
The Lakeland Prayer Network is not about "show." Its about "GO." We seek to fulfill the Great Commission by Prayer Evangelism. And as it attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, "Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.

My House of Prayer
- Melbourne, FL
Director: Gary & Bonnie Stebbins
Phone: 321-724-5433
4028 S. Babcock Street
Melbourne, FL 32901
We value a culture of prayer in the Church of Brevard County.
· We value the power of corporate prayer in large or small gatherings.
o Deuteronomy 32:30 How could one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had surrendered them? NKJV
o Joshua 23:10 One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the Lord your God is He who fights for you, as He promised you. NKJV
· We value praying the Word of God.
o Jeremiah 23:29 "Is not My word like a fire?" says the Lord, "And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? NKJV
· We value a commitment to regular fasting and a fasted lifestyle.
o Matthew 9:15 And Jesus said to them, "Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. NKJV
o Mark 9:29 So He said to them, "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting." NKJ

One House of Prayer
- Bradenton, FL
Director: David Whitmire
Phone: 941-356-6087
6802 14th St W
Bradenton, FL 34207
Come join us in prayer for revival in our region!
The vision of 1HOP is to establish a prayer furnace where Jesus is exalted through night-and-day worship and intercession; To inspire and exhort individuals to extravagant devotion to Jesus Christ through a lifestyle of fasting and prayer, by means of providing a venue for training and ministry, crying out to God for the nations; To partner with the Lord through night and day prayer for spiritual transformation as Jesus receives a great harvest of souls unto Himself; To intercede for the nation of Israel; And to providea reverant and enjoyable atmosphere with live worship, to help this generation of Christians cultivate faithfulness with a community of fasting and prayer.
We are living in the greatest hour of history. The rumblings are everywhere, and a surge of corporate prayer is exploding globally. God is moving and hearts are being stirred to pursue the Lord in prayer and fasting as His people give themselves whole-heartedly to His purposes in the earth. Night and day prayer is arising to God from every corner of the globe. 1HOP is a community of Christian believers, branded by heaven with a vision for prayer, who?s hearts are stirred to live more deeply in the secret place. 1HOP seeks to make great the name of Jesus Christ by gathering members of our local community to engage in worship and intercession for revival, righteousness, justice, and the return of Jesus Christ, mirroring the reality in heaven?s throne room
Shalom House of Prayer @ The Path Family Rescue Mission

Shalom House of Prayer @ The Path Family Rescue Mission
- Beverly hills, FL
Director: DuWayne Sipper & Peter Dettman
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 3523644466
4395 North Lecanto hwy
Beverly hills, FL 34465
Shalom House of Prayer
@ The Path Family Rescue Mission
Shalom ? Hebrew: peace, rest, tranquility, harmony, health, welfare safety, soundness, prosperity, completeness, fullness and wholeness.
Vision: Establish a community prayer altar to draw and host the manifest Presence of the Spirit of God for Awakening, Revival, Transformation and to Prepare the Bride of Christ for the return of her Bridegroom King, Christ Jesus our Lord.
The chief end of man is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.? This is the first commandment. Mark 12:30
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
?My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations. Isaiah 56:7
?On that day I will raise up The tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, Amos 9:11
Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, Ephesians 2:15
I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:5
that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. John 17:21
?the name of the city from that day shall be:
Ezekiel 48:35

University House of Prayer
- Orlando, FL
Director: Luke Schepler
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (321) 800-8467
4000 Central Florida Blvd
Orlando, FL 32816
University House of Prayer (UHOP) is a prayer community primarily focused on college students. UHOP exists to create a culture of prayer on college campuses where a culture of sin abounds. In the midst of a system of Humanism UHOP desires to train and equip these college students in the lifestyle of relentless, worship and prayer. The desire is to raise up a company of forerunners like John the Baptist, who are in love with Jesus, able to hear His voice and diligent to follow his leading.
Throughout history revivals have commonly sprung up on collage campuses when small groups of students gather together to seek the Lord. Two of these are, the holiness club at Oxford University in England in 1729, the Haystack Revival at Williams College in 1806.
The Holiness Club from Oxford was pivotal in spreading the gospel throughout England and what is now the United States of America. Out of this group came George Whitfield, John Wesley, and Francis Asbury. These men were key in establishing the Methodist church as well as helping to lead the First Great Awakening.
Shortly thereafter five students from Williams College, in Williamstown, Massachusetts, decided to meet to pray and discuss the spiritual atmosphere of Asia. Through the prayers of these students the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions was founded in 1812. This group was responsible for sending some of the first missionaries to Asia.
We do not believe that God is finished with college students. It is our firm belief that if God used college students to lead some of the greatest revivals our country has seen, He will use them again! Currently UHOP is operating on the University of Central Florida, a campus of over 60,000 students. Since its start in August of 2010, UHOP has met together for hundreds of hours of prayer and study of the Word of God. During a Solemn Assembly in October of 2012 our hearts were gripped with the prayer of an old evangelist, named Gypsy Smith, who prayed, ?Father God, send revival and let it start with me.? This is the cry of our hearts, ?Father God, send revival to America once again and let it start with us
University of Central Florida - University House of Prayer (UHOP)
University of Central Florida - University House of Prayer (UHOP)
- Orlando, FL
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (321) 800-UHOP
Orlando, FL
Contact: Phone