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Below is a listing of Houses of Prayer in Alabama. If you know of any Houses of Prayer that need to be added, please contact us by e-mail or through the Contact Us page. We are always looking for more Houses of Prayer to list.

Auburn House of Prayer
Auburn House of Prayer - Auburn, AL

Category: Prayer House
Phone: (334) 329-4280

(334) 329-4280
Auburn, AL 36830

?But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.? Isaiah 40:31
General Information

A Christ-centered community pursuing night and day prayer, worship and outreach in Auburn, AL.


We meet every Tuesday from 6:30pm - 8:30pm at the Auburn University Chapel on the corner of College St. and Thatch Ave., until we secure a more permanent venue. Tuesday nights are a time for fellowship, personal ministry, pursuing Gods presence and praying for Auburn. All are welcome!


Once a month ahop hosts the "Auburn Watch", twenty-four hours of seeking Gods face, encountering HIs presence and lifting up prayers for our campus and city! The Auburn Watch is a multi-faceted expression of the Body of Christ and is open to all who love Jesus and desire to see Auburn saturated with the presence and purposes of God!!!

VENUE: Auburn University Chapel or Local Church Venues. Check the ahop facebook "Events" page for details.

"And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:7
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AUM - Montgomery House of Prayer - Montgomery, AL
Category: Luke18Project
Phone: (334) 324-7669

410 South Perry Street Montgomery
Montgomery, AL 36104
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Birmingham Prayer Furnace
Birmingham Prayer Furnace - Birmingham, AL

Category: Furnace
Director: Paul Hughes
Phone: 205 567-9661

401 Omega St
Birmingham, AL 35242

A Vision of Birminghams Future Rooted in the Past
Three essential materials for the making of iron and steel lay beneath the ridges and valleys of what became Birmingham, Alabama. Iron Ore gave Red Mountain overlooking the city its name. White limestone was used to take impurities out of the iron ore. Black coal fueled molten furnaces night and day. No where else in the Western Hemisphere were these three raw materials found concentrated so highly together. A nations hunger for steel fueled the dramatic post-Civil War birth and growth of Birmingham out of Jones Valley. Birmingham was forged in the place of fire.
Like the iron ore, limestone, and coal itself, Red Native American, White European, and Black African descendants lived in Birminghams valleys and prayed from her mountain tops. The poor from around world labored deep beneath the earth to dig out the elements that would help build a city and a nation.
But deeply rooted greed, injustice, racial and religious bigotry, violence, and political corruption also stained the land, the atmosphere, and the people as the city grew. Even before the birth of the city, the Creek Indian Nations back had been broken in the bloodiest battle ever fought between Indians and the United States Army at Alabamas Horseshoe Bend in 1814. The land called Alabama today still grieves the broken covenants, violence, and horrible forced removals of Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole nations to Oklahoma in the 1830s. For those with ears to hear, the voices of injustice still cry out beneath our feet.
Jim Crow segregation laws, a.k.a. legal apartheid, divided whites and blacks for decades on end. A Methodist minister murdered a Catholic Priest in broad daylight on the rectory porch of St. Pauls Cathedral for marrying his daughter to a Puerto Rican man in 1921. He was easily acquitted in court. Rich "Big Mule" industrialists murdered those trying to organize mine workers crying out because of the oppressive conditions in 1935.
In 1963, the Civil Rights movement came to Birmingham and the world watched in horror as Birmingham firemen blasted Black youth demonstrators with high powered fire hoses. Policemen let German Shepherd dogs rip at the clothes of other marchers. But the national tide of racial hatred turned toward healing through those images from the streets of Birmingham.
It has been a long march toward justice and righteousness in our city. The inspiration for lasting change has always come through the prayers and courageous actions of Gods people through prophetic messengers of His Kingdom.
Now in a new millennium, a new generation is on the march in Birmingham. We believe something about the destiny still before us as the people of God in this city. God is once again placing His burning heart in ours for radical personal and city-wide transformation under the leadership of Jesus. Birmingham still holds a key to a wellspring of justice and racial healing that will flow out of the Southside of America from the Beautiful Gate of Alabama into the nations.
The Birmingham Prayer Furnace is not a place. It is a revolution of revelation in the heart of the Bride of Jesus Christ through night and day city-wide prayer and worship. What we as a city need most is not another ministry or industry or institution. We need the very burning presence of God dwelling in our midst 24-7. He need Him. We need His vision of our true identity as His People in His City serving His Purpose.
Birmingham was forged in fire from the Earth, but her destiny is to be governed by a Man of Fire from Heaven. The largest cast iron statue in the world stands on the high ground of Red Mountain over Birmingham today. Vulcan, the Roman god of the forge, was crafted as a symbol of the citys steel making pride for the 1904 St. Louis Worlds Fair. As he points to the sky today, Vulcan is a constant reminder to Birmingham that the Bridegroom King of Heaven and Judge of all the Earth is coming soon. Some believe Jesus will stand on Red Mountain and evaluate this city.
The Sloss Furnaces stand in the valley below. This historical landmark is a relic of the economic engine of the past. Today it is the health care and research industry that pulls the city economy. But only a five iron golf shot away from the Sloss Furnace is another place called The Furnace. This is a gentlemens club, a.k.a. a strip club. It is legal in our city for men to burn with lust as they gaze on naked dancing women.
The Birmingham Prayer Furnace is a place where Jesus can gaze on the burning heart of His Bride in our city. It is a place where people of every color can catch a glimpse of the Burning Man of Heaven as He gazes back at us. Jesus declared that His Fathers House was to be a House of Prayer for all Nations. Let it be so in the Heart of Old Dixie. Let the south winds blow on the garden of Americas heart awakening love for Jesus, the Fairest of All.
May the Holy Spirit forge a wedding band of pure gold refined in the fire of a never dying furnace of worship and prayer in Birmingham that leads to a city burning with bright righteousness. The Day of Jesus return is near. May He put steel in our longing for Him such that His Bride in this city will "watch and pray, love justice, and preach His Kingdom" all the more as darkness increases. May we humble ourselves, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, that He might hear from heaven, forgive our sin, heal our land, and say "Well done Birmingham!" when He stands on Red Mountain as the King of all!
A Vision of Birmingha
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Calvary Fellowship Intercessory Prayer - Florence, AL
Category: Prayer House
Phone: 256-766-7640

424 E Tombigbee St
Florence, AL 35630

Calvary Fellowship currently meets 14 times a week for prayer and worship. We meet morning and night every day of the week and at noon on weekdays. It is our desire to see prayer and worship established in the Shoals area of Alabama 24 hours a day, every day. Most of our prayer meetings are centered on a desire to see God move powerfully, by His Spirit, in the Shoals area. On Wednesday nights we pray for the world and for world outreach ministries. All nighttime meetings have a worship team present and are Tabernacle of David type meetings. All believers in the Northwest Alabama area are invited to come and participate.
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Category: Other Email:


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Gulf Coast HoP
Gulf Coast HoP - Gulf Shores, AL

Category: Prayer House

3757 Gulf Shores Pkwy
Suite C
Gulf Shores, AL 36542

We gather on Friday nights for a time of live Worship and Prayer. Sunday evenings we meet in a bible study setting to go deep in the Word.
Gulf Coast House of Prayer is not a building but a company of intercessors gathering weekly to see the spiritual atmosphere of Escambia, Baldwin and Mobile County changed through Prayer and Fasting!

It is also a network of Gulf Coast Intercessors with like Vision crying out for Gods purposes to be released in our region. As Intercessors we need to be connected and united in prayer to see the fullness of Gods Glory manifest in our region.

This page can be used to post prayer requests and to inform intercessors of events and prayer meetings taking place throughout our cities.

God is raising up Intercessors all across the globe, He is calling the Church back to the place of prayer where the Church was originally birthed; the upper room in Jerusalem. There is a Joel 2 call going forth across this Nation to return to the Lord with our whole hearts, in prayer with fasting, weeping and mourning. We must rend our hearts, take up our cross and give ourselves to His purposes in our generation. We must set aside our agenda and give ourselves to His.

We must get a higher Vision of God. Let us come together in the place of Prayer, remind ourselves of His promises and lets partner with Him in Intercession to see them come to pass. God send Revival to the Gulf Coast
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JHOP AL - Montgomery, AL

Category: JHOP
Phone: 334-244-PRAY (7729)

1230 Perry Hill Road
Montgomery, AL 36109


Multi Racial
City Wide 24/7 House of Prayer and Worship
The Holy Spirit is orchestrating a world prayer movement
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Storehouse House of Prayer - Madison, AL
Category: Prayer House
Madison, AL

Storehouse || Vision
The Storehouse, a prayer ministry of Asbury, is a place to experience intimacy with God by combining live worship with prayer. The prayer room provides an atmosphere for all people to enjoy prayer by being refreshed by the presence of the Holy Spirit: through community growing deeper in our walk with Jesus, leading us into powerful missional lives.

:: Day and night || Continual Prayer

We are experiencing day and night prayer and worship initiated through believers who cry out to the Lord through music, arts, creativity, prophetic word, and prayer. Together we seek the face of Jesus, ministering to the heart of God, yearning for the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit. Luke 18.7

:: Community || United Prayer

We are experiencing the heart cry of Jesus to become unified in community, coming together as one body of Christ, regardless of denomination or Christian church affiliation. ?That all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You.? As we laugh, worship, pray, and share life together in an atmosphere of joy and prayer, God is glorified. John 17.21-23

:: Fresh Outpouring || Missional Prayer

We are experiencing God?s presence through prayer and worship in the prayer room leading to and increase in prayer and mission in our homes and lives. We minister and intercede for one another and for all those in need of prayer, we are sent out in the fullness of the Holy Spirit to impact the world for Jesus Christ. Numbers 11.16-1
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University of Alabama - Luke18 Prayer Group

University of Alabama - Luke18 Prayer Group - Tuscaloosa, AL
Category: Luke18Project Email:
Tuscaloosa, AL
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West Central Alabama International House of Prayer
West Central Alabama International House of Prayer - Dora, AL

Category: Prayer House
Phone: 205-317-5229

7665 Hwy 78
Dora, AL 35062

Our desire is to raise up houses of prayer throughout our regions in homes and in churches and place of gathering. The Lord spoke the word to us to make My House a House of Prayer for all Nations. It is our goal to have 24x7 worship and prayer burning from Healing The Nations International Church which is the location of our base for the House of Prayer. It is the highest point in the region. We meet on Thursday nights and Friday nights with worship and apostolic prayer for our region and the natio
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