
Welcome to www.IHOPNetwork.com, a list of active prayer houses and other prayer-related sites.

We are an independent organization that exists solely to provide an online list of houses of prayer.  We are not in any way affiliated with the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, although we are hear that they do refer people to us regularly.

The purpose of this website is simply to connect and draw people together who are mutually interested in prayer.  This resource simply helps people find each other.

If you have or know of a prayer house that is not listed, please feel free to click the ‘Add’ button on the page.  You do not have to have to have an strongly established structure and organization to have a prayer room, just a listening heart and a desire to see God’s glory made manifest in the Earth through prayer.  The ferevent, effectual prayer of the righteous availeth much (James 5:16)!

Thanks for your interest.

Help Wanted

If you are interested in helping to maintain this website, let me know.  There can be many ways to do this, even from as simple as someone to do the extra searches on Google once a month, or to go through some of the existing links to find sites that are no longer active or that have changed information.  Quality help is always appreciated, and it doesn’t have to be a huge time commitment.  If you simply are on the web alot and would like to just find a list of URLs that are not in our database, that would save someone else the time of having to do it.


If you intersted in email, you can try [email protected]

Add a listing here.